Daily Archives: January 15, 2019

Domain strain-engineering for epitaxial ferroelectric thin films by sputtering

The integration of multiferroic materials in the new generation of nanostructured electronic devices requires precise and orderly control of the thin films growth, taking into account the nature of such materials to develop domain structures, that is,

Infectious Leptospira cross-talk with host catecholamine’s during infection

Leptospira belongs to the family Leptospiraceae and the pathogenic species cause a zoonotic disease called leptospirosis. Leptospirosis is a worldwide zoonotic infection of human and veterinary concern, with approximately over one million cases reported annually. This disease

How can you tell that stem cells are good at math? You can watch them multiply and divide!

Blood production is an essential process in all vertebrate animals that needs to occur throughout an organism’s lifespan; red blood cells need to carry oxygen to distant tissues, platelets are required for stopping bleeding after injuries, and