Daily Archives: December 19, 2019

Duodenal neuroendocrine tumors: what we really know about them? An Italian multicentre experience

Duodenal Neuroendocrine Tumors. AoS

Duodenal neuroendocrine neoplasms (dNENs) are heterogeneous tumors and represent up to 3% of all duodenal tumors and 2–3% of all gastrointestinal tumors. Despite clear differences, dNENs have been always treated together with either gastric neuroendocrine tumors or,

Dynamic electron microscopy: recording of ATP-induced myosin head movement in living muscle myosin filament

Muscle contraction results from relative sliding between actin and myosin filaments, caused by cyclic movement of myosin heads coupled with ATP hydrolysis. It is generally believed that individual myosin heads M), extending from myosin filaments, first bind