Monthly Archives: May 2020

Biomimetic approach for an artificial nose

The dream of monitoring odours is certainly very old, but only recently scientists have come-up with realistic approaches and proposals. As soon as the olfactory system started to reveal its secrets and the specific sensing elements (the

Brand new weaponry in our arsenal: nanopatterns to combat biomaterial-associated infections

Brand new weaponry in our arsenal: nanopatterns to combat biomaterial-associated infections. AoS

Humankind has witnessed unprecedented breakthroughs in (bio)medical sciences during the 20th and 21st centuries. A significant increase in life expectancy has cultivated the seeds of eagerness to live longer and healthier in the collective mind of humans.

A new strategy for immune manipulation of advanced solid cancers

A new strategy for immune manipulation of advanced solid cancers. AoS

The biological cancer hallmarks and the current model In the updated ongoing model, genomic instability and inflammation are the basis of all the cancer hallmarks: sustaining proliferative signaling, evading growth suppressors, resisting cell death, enabling replicative immortality,

Inhibition of bovine insulin amyloid fibrillation and toxicity by silibinin

The misfolding and subsequent aggregation into β-sheet rich assemblies of endogenous polypeptides, such as β-amyloid peptide, tau protein, α-synuclein, and insulin are the underlying causes of diabetes and many neurodegenerative diseases. Although, no sequence or structural similarity

Gap junction assembly mechanisms in the cochlea

Gap junction assembly mechanisms in the cochlea. AoS

Hearing loss is the most common congenital sensory deficit. About 1-3 in 1000 children are affected at birth or during early childhood by severe hearing loss, which is defined as prelingual deafness, with at least half of

Discovery and mutation of a novel enzyme for the removal of environmental pollutants

Discovery and mutation of a novel enzyme for the removal of environmental pollutants. AoS

Environmental pollution is one of the biggest challenges in the world today, as society faces the consequences of intense industrial development. The widespread use of pesticides in agriculture leads to high quality products, while minimizing losses in

An open journey approach to spiritual care education

An open journey approach to spiritual care education. AoS

“Life is a Journey” is a common metaphor used around the world. While this is a true picture of life, the journey theme can be useful to express a variety of processes. In healthcare, we talk about

Altered methylation in Breast Cancer in very young women

Altered methylation in Breast Cancer in very young women. AoS

Breast cancer has the highest incidence rate of all cancers in women worldwide. Although early breast cancer generally has an excellent prognosis, breast cancer in young women (under the age of 35) is associated with a high

Just a click away: smartphone apps can improve mental health

Just a click away: smartphone apps can improve mental health. AoS

Within the past decade, smartphones have been assimilated into the personal, social, and occupational routines of a significant proportion of people around the globe. In fact, previous reports show that more than half of the Western population

May polystyrene microplastics be ingested by marine organisms, affecting survival, growth and behavior?

May polystyrene microplastics be ingested by marine organisms, affecting survival, growth and behavior? AoS

World plastic production has increased steadily over the past 50 years, reaching over 350 million tonnes in 2018. Most of the plastic waste ends up in the oceans and it is constituted not only by large plastic

Secular trend in growth status in a sample of girls from Serbia aged 7-9 years

Clinical assessment based on height relative to age and weight relative to age. AoS

Human growth is influenced by genetic factors, but the genetic potential will be expressed if socio-economic and environmental conditions allow it. Anthropometric indicators like height and weight are used to characterize growth and development of children and

How to Achieve Faster, More Efficient Software Testing in 2020

How to Achieve Faster, More Efficient Software Testing in 2020. AoS

You may save time during the software development lifecycle if you reduce testing or skip it altogether. But this approach will likely add time, cost, and aggravation down the road. Thankfully, there are many ways to speed

A role of characteristics of hospitals in the prevalence of childhood undernutrition on admission

Characteristics of patients and nutritional status at 3 different hospitals. AoS

Undernutrition in children is one of the important global health issues. In the developing countries, the main cause of undernutrition is an inadequate nutritional intake due to the poverty. On the other hand, in developed countries, dieting

Wrestling with the alligator’s brain

Wrestling with the alligator’s brain. AoS

When some individuals stand up quickly from a sitting or crouched posture, the blood flow to their brain is temporarily reduced. In response to the reduced blood flow, their brain will enter a short period of neural

Dramatic effects of Sn addition on Ge crystallization

Dramatic effects of Sn addition on Ge crystallization. AoS

Research on novel materials to replace Si has been actively pursued for sustainable improvement of electronic devices. Ge has attracted attention as the most promising candidate for next-generation material because it has a higher carrier mobility than

Mitophagy in health and disease

Mitophagy in health and disease. AoS

Mitochondria are cellular organelles specialized for energy production, and critically influence several features of cellular metabolism and physiology. Maintenance of a healthy mitochondrial pool is a prerequisite for cellular and tissue homeostasis. Compromised mitochondrial function results in

What is Infrastructure-as-a-Service? Everything You Need to Know

Infrastructure as a Service. AoS

Infrastructure-as-a-service is a form of cloud computing that is distributed to end-users across the web. It may be useful for businesses and software developers who need a deployed IT infrastructure for their enterprise environments. Among all types

How changes in our genes impact outcome after stroke

How changes in our genes impact outcome after stroke. Atlas of Science

An ischemic stroke is the sudden death of brain cells due to lack of oxygen and glucose, which is caused by blockage of blood flow to the brain. Stroke is a leading cause of death around the