Monthly Archives: May 2021

Method to measure calcium signaling in nanometer-sized primary cilia

Cilia are slender microtubule-based organelles that protrude from the apical membrane in most adherent cells. Studies looking into the mechanosensory function of the primary cilium have proved it to be an essential cellular organelle. When exposed to

Does tangential radiation for breast cancer cover internal mammary nodes?

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women in the United States. Radiation is a very commonly used treatment modality for breast cancer: it is offered to nearly all patients after lumpectomy (removal of

The year of the honey bee with respect to its physiology and immunity

It has been known for many years that in temperate climates, the European honey bee, Apis mellifera, exists in the form of two distinct populations within the year, short-living summer bees and long-living winter bees. Summer populations’

Is the ACTN3 gene a real “speed gene” in horses?

AoS. Is the ACTN3 gene a real “speed gene” in horses

The ACTN3 gene encoding α-actinin-3 in humans is considered to be a key factor in determining the predisposition to short- or long-term exercise (sprint or endurance). In addition, mutations within it are used for commercial genetic tests

Antifouling photo-bactericidal combined effect of a Ag@nanoMOF

AoS. Antifouling photo-bactericidal combined effect

The formation of bacterial biofilm on surfaces occurs naturally and its inhibition and treatment to limit the propagation of infectious diseases is still an unsolved challenge. Traditionally, several antibiotics have been used to mitigate the formation of

The Benefits of a Career in Science

AoS. The Benefits of a Career in Science

If you want a new career, you might be considering entering a scientific field. There are many reasons to pursue a degree in the field, including job security and the fact that it is constantly changing. Depending

A Comprehensive Guide to Thermocouples

AoS. A Comprehensive Guide to Thermocouples

From affecting the activity of benzoic acid to impacting the longevity of animals and humans, temperature plays a fascinating role in science in a variety of ways. As a result, in many contexts, it’s vital that we

Left-handers are not at risk for mathematical learning difficulties

AoS. Left-handers are not at risk for mathematical learning difficulties.

Nearly one in every ten people is left-handed, a number that seems to have remained the same through time and place. Interestingly, individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders, such as low functioning autism or intellectual disability, are more likely

Adverse food reactions in cats: 1000 cases

Wholesome nutrition is the key to maintaining a healthy immune system and resistance to disease. Commercial foods given to animals may not be truly balanced in major nutrients, minerals and vitamins, and some have chemicals added to

Historical stability of the human aging rate and its decline in our time

Atlas of Science. Historical stability of the human aging rate and its decline in our time

Using age-related mortality data for 40 countries, it is shown that the rate of aging does not change significantly over history and is almost the same for different countries from the mid-18th to the mid-20th century. However,

Microalgae-based wastewater treatment for nutrients recovery

AoS.Microalgae-based wastewater treatment for nutrients recovery

The world may face deficits of water supplies in the decades ahead, for both potable water and water for irrigation, due to human population growth, droughts and floods due to climate change, contamination of water resources, and

EML1: an entry point to study cellular mechanisms at the origin of brain malformations

AoS. EML1: an entry point to study cellular mechanisms at the origin of brain malformations.

Cerebral cortical development is a tightly regulated process, depending on dividing progenitor cells that ultimately produce neurons that then migrate to find their appropriate positions in the developing cortex. Certain genetic conditions as well as environmental factors

A novel measure for predicting OSA whilst awake

AoS.A Novel Measure for predicting OSA whilst awake

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common sleep disorder, and its prevalence increases significantly with age. Despite being massively under-diagnosed, the latest estimation of OSA prevalence is >1 billion globally. OSA diagnosis is based on an overnight