Monthly Archives: July 2021

DARC – A light at the end of the tunnel

Atlas of Science. DARC - A light at the end of the tunnel

Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness, affecting more than 70 million people worldwide. Visual loss is attributed to death of nerve cells, called retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), in the back of the eye. There is

Do pufferfish selectively accumulate toxins?

Marine pufferfish of the genus Takifugu, including Takifugu pardalis, contain the potent neurotoxin tetrodotoxin (TTX). TTX is distributed not only in pufferfish, but also in various other organisms, many of which are toxified exogenously by the food

Cultural competency/safety in healthcare

AoS.Cultural competency

There is current interest in cultural safety and cultural competence in tertiary institutions the world over. We need to learn it, teach it, and practice it. While this is true across the sector, my paper just focuses