Monthly Archives: November 2021

Excess nutrients cause environmental deterioration in the Bohai Sea, China

The introduction of excess nutrients (i.e., nitrogen and phosphorus) to coastal areas can have a series of impacts. One of the most common is eutrophication—the enrichment of water with surplus nutrients, which accelerates the growth of algae.

Role of AMPK and PKA pathways in chicken spermatozoa functions

AoS. Role of AMPK and PKA pathways in chicken spermatozoa functions.

Spermatozoa functions include delicate and high energy consuming processes like motility and the ability to perform acrosome reaction, i.e. the fusion of the spermatozoa head cytoplasmic membrane and the underlying outer acrosomal membrane, so that the acrosome

Selenium: mercury ratio in the whale shark from the Gulf of California

Mercury (Hg) is one of the main toxic pollutants, which is released into the environment from natural and anthropogenic activities. In contrast, selenium (Se) is an essential micronutrient, which is required for growth and development. The uptake

The stress of dieting: what a rat model may tell us about weight loss in women

In the United States, obesity and concomitant diseases such as hypertension and diabetes have soared in older adults—and obesity is especially pronounced in women after menopause. Numerous strategies are used to combat excess weight, with the most

Why do some people self-harm under distress? Harvard study suggests impulse control is key

AoS. Why do some people self-harm under distress

Self-harm, or non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI), refers to people intentionally hurting themselves without intending suicide. Common examples include cutting, burning, or hitting oneself. A growing number of adolescents and young adults report NSSI – yet most have no

Orexin signaling promotes initial alcohol consumption

AoS. Orexin signaling promotes initial alcohol consumption

Orexins (orexin-A, orx-A and orexin-B, orx-B) are neuropeptides expressed exclusively in hypothalamic neurons of the lateral hypothalamus and perifornical area. They mediate their effects through activation of two G-protein coupled receptors, the orexin-1-receptor (Orx1R) and orexin-2-receptor (Orx2R).

Bioinspiration on the lotus leaf surface to develop hydrophobic films

The production and application of synthetic materials in food packaging has grown quickly over the past few decades, resulting in serious environmental concerns due to the resistance to degradation of these synthetic materials. In recent years, the

Plant digestive juice: replenish or not?

AoS. Plant Digestive Juice: Replenish or not?

Carnivorous tropical pitcher plants from the genus Nepenthes produce elaborate pitcher organs with digestive glands to trap and digest insect prey in nitrogen poor soil. The content of pitcher fluids has been the focus of many studies,

4 Unsolved Challenges for Healthcare’s Digital Transformation by the end of 2021

What has been really improved by the COVID-19 pandemic is the adoption of technologies by healthcare providers. However, those will get the biggest return who will ensure not just the incorporation of digital innovation into their daily

Other components of less common oilseeds are much more beneficial for health than their unsaturated fats

AoS. Other components of less common oilseeds

Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) are thought to be some of the most important nutrients and health promoting constituents, the presence of which is usually insufficient in a daily diet, which in turn is often connected with their

Finding ‘someone like me’: key benefits of non-12-step alcohol online support groups

AoS. key benefits of non-12-step alcohol online support groups

Problem drinking is a significant issue in the UK with a 20% increase in deaths from specific alcohol-related causes in 2020. UK and USA national guidance on treating problem drinking recognises the importance of peer support in