Monthly Archives: May 2023

Fatigue assessment strategy using Bayesian techniques

AoS. Fatigue assessment strategy using Bayesian techniques

The fulfilment of the probabilistic fatigue characterization of materials based on the S-N field requires the definition of the statistical distribution of the percentile curves of the failure probability, interpreted as a simplification, by their confidence bands.

How Studying Earth Science Can Benefit Your Life

AoS. How Studying Earth Science Can Benefit Your Life

Have you ever wondered how our world really works? If so, then the only way to get an in-depth look at the earth and how it works is to study earth science. This is a complex field

Starch fatty acid esters – versatile bio-based thermoplastics

The biopolymer starch is well-known in the kitchen for baking, cooking, and as a component of flour and is available in large quantities. This makes starch interesting as sustainable resource to convert it into biodegradable products to

From complexity to simplicity via microbial division of labor inspired by Nature

AoS. From complexity to simplicity via microbial division of labor inspired by Nature

If someone were to put Nature under a microscope, it would become obvious that microbes are present in all environments on our planet. Microbes are often forced to interact within proximity and share resources as an important

Am I at risk of developing diabetes if exposed to insecticide?

AoS. Am I at risk of developing diabetes if exposed to insecticide?

The answer is: it depends. Of course, there is no trivial answer to an open question like that when referring to scientific investigation. But we can make you think better before exposure to certain pesticides like malathion.