Tag Archives: absorption

Sexuality and predisposition to altered states of consciousness

In 1974, Tellegen and Atkinson proposed that ‘absorption’ is a core personality trait that consists of the degree to which one becomes so attentionally absorbed in sensations and imagination that there is an alteration of the sense

Altered states of consciousness during sex

The term ‘altered states of consciousness’ usually means states of ‘absorption’ or ‘absorbed states’. Some call them trance. They are characterized by loss of the usual sense of self, time, and space, as a result of intense

Recent advances in gold nanoparticle-based optic sensor

The ease in preparation and conjugation, stability, biocompatibility, as well as the size-dependent optical properties makes gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) one of the most popular nanomaterials for sensing of analytes of interest in the last decade. We

Computational study of optical and electronic properties of metal-decorated Graphene

The computational methods for studying the various properties of nanomaterials like Graphene, have become extremely popular these days. Thanks to the ever increasing processor speeds. These methods include Density functional theory ( DFT ) and Time dependent density

Searching for magnetic sense inside living cells

Some molecules can absorb light and become excited. These excited molecules are often capable of undergoing chemical reactions that unexcited molecules cannot. Nature makes extensive use of these “photochemical reactions” and uses them to achieve some of