Tag Archives: alcohol

Finding ‘someone like me’: key benefits of non-12-step alcohol online support groups

AoS. key benefits of non-12-step alcohol online support groups

Problem drinking is a significant issue in the UK with a 20% increase in deaths from specific alcohol-related causes in 2020. UK and USA national guidance on treating problem drinking recognises the importance of peer support in

How alcohol consumption might contribute to viral liver infections?

Alcohol contribute to viral liver infections. Atlas of Science

The coexistence between excessive alcohol consumption and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is causative of a high death ratio annually. It is well-known that phosphoinositides (PI) not only regulate a number of physiological processes but also they

Alcohol injections for the treatment of intermetatarsal neuromas

Alcohol injections for the treatment of intermetatarsal neuromas

Intermetatarsal neuromas, sometimes called Morton’s neuroma, cause nerve pain in the forefoot.  It arises due to entrapment of the nerve(s) supplying the toes(s) due to compression of the forefoot. Although any foot can be affected it’s uncommon

Subjects with gambling-related problems requiring treatment

Subjects with Gambling-Related Problems Requiring Treatment

Gambling disorders affect 0.2–5.3% of adults worldwide, although measurement and prevalence varies according to the screening instruments and methods used, and the availability and accessibility of gambling opportunities. A significant percentage of gamblers develops clinically relevant gambling

An epigenetic treatment strategy puts a brake on alcohol dependence

An Epigenetic Treatment Strategy Puts a Brake on Alcohol Dependence

Alcohol use disorder, commonly known as alcoholism, is a chronic debilitating psychiatric disease that affects >16 million people in the United States. Disease progression of alcoholism cycles through several different stages, characterized by preoccupation or needing to

College drinking culture in Spain, Argentina, and USA: An examination of impulsivity, college alcohol beliefs, and alcohol outcomes

College drinking culture in Spain, Argentina, and USA

Across many countries and cultures, college students drink heavily. Students who drink heavily are at risk for a wide range of problems ranging from hangover to unsafe and unplanned sex to poor academic performance to developing an

Statin therapy makes things worse for alcohol drinkers

High cholesterol levels in humans represent a risk factor for life-threatening cardio/cerebrovascular conditions, including heart attack and stroke. It is estimated that nearly 94.6 million, or 40 % of American adults, have total blood cholesterol levels above

The lysosomal enzyme cathepsin D as novel therapeutic target for non-alcoholic steatohepatitis

The decrease in physical activity combined with increased caloric intake has led us to a global obesity epidemic. Obese patients can develop metabolic syndrome (MetS), which is a term used to assess the risk of a patient

Does the total alcohol consumption in a population determine the number of heavy drinkers – or is it a case of the tail wagging the dog?

It is widely believed that a country’s total alcohol consumption (commonly reported as per capita volume of 100 per cent alcohol per year) determines the number of heavy drinkers and thus also the degree of alcohol-related health

How much alcohol is in ketamine`s antidepressant response?

The rapid and robust antidepressant action following a single intravenous sub-narcotic ketamine infusion (usually 0.5 mg/kg over 40 minutes) in the treatment of resistant major depression is unique and encouraging, albeit short-lasting (up to 7 days). Increasing

Avoiding the dilemma between too much alcohol and too much volatile acidity in wine

Over the past 50 years, the average global temperature has increased at the fastest rate in recorded history, thus affecting the production of many crops, including wine grapes. Indeed, global warming uncouples technological and phenolic maturity of

Role of fermented beverages in the maintenance of weight loss

Obesity is an increasingly prevalent disease and is associated with multiple chronic complications, such as diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, increased risk of cancer, etc. These complications may be ameliorated or even disappear after small but maintained weight

Heavy alcohol drinking and potassium channel genes

Alcohol use disorder is a chronic and relapsing brain disease that has damaging, sometimes deadly, consequences for the individual and costs society billions of dollars a year (approximately $223 billion). Despite alcohol use being one of the

Stopping light drinking may increase death risk among healthy adults

Former drinkers, that is those who have stopped alcohol use, have higher mortality than lifelong abstainers. Higher mortality may be due to some disease, alcoholism or ending beneficial moderate drinking, which has been found to decrease mortality.

Personality and alcohol use disorders outcome

The main objective of Alcohol Use Disorders (AUD) treatment is to give up alcohol drinking for as long as possible, and, secondly, to reduce physical harm by drinking less alcohol. However, there are two important problems which

Alcohol and prostate cancer risk

In a large follow-up study, we found that heavy regular alcohol consumption and binge drinking during midlife were associated with a significantly increased risk of prostate cancer risk. Specifically, men who were heavy drinkers (>14 drinks/week) were

Vodka and wine consumption: good for your liver?

Approximately 50 million Americans are affected by metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is defined as hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, high blood pressure and glucose intolerance leading to type 2 diabetes mellitus. Patients with metabolic syndrome have an increased risk of

Immunological disturbances observed in chronic alcoholism

Alcoholism is a complex behavioral disorder characterized by the loss of control over alcohol consumption often involving other drug abuse with a relapsing and remitting course leading to significant impairment. Chronic alcohol use and alcoholism damages many

Alcohol problems in India

Despite low prevalence of alcohol use in India, alcohol use disorders are prevalent and persistent among men in Goa, India.  The finding is reported in a study conducted by the Sangath Institute (India) in partnership with the

Recovering from addiction: Do peer-delivered services help?

New research indicates that addiction to alcohol and drugs is a chronic condition. For many, recovery from addiction is often a lengthy process that requires ongoing management and support. Yet the traditional approach to addiction provides intensive