Tag Archives: alzheimer’s
Purification and characterization of a better-behaved Alzheimer’s disease protein
A mass spectrometry view of the interaction of Alzheimer’s disease proteins with an anti-aggregation compound
Repetitive DNA in the ABCA7 gene influences Alzheimer’s disease
Cholesterol manipulation switches the production of “toxic Aβ” to “protective Aβ”
Alzheimer’s risk gene weakens brain cell’s garbage disposal system
Understanding vaccine development – Lessons to make effective vaccines against Alzheimer’s disease
Conformal invariants for landmark curve based brain morphometry analysis
Novel perspectives for the Alzheimer´s disease therapy in a multitargeted approach
Alzheimer´s disease (AD) is the most wide-spread neurodegenerative disease and develops to a main problem for a society in which the people get older and older as a result of improved drug developments and therapies. The benefit
Lipids are major players in Alzheimer’s disease
Resting state fMRI analysis using sparse dictionary learning in SPM framework
A possible new treatment for Alzheimer’s disease and stroke using nanoparticles
Promote the health of dementia caregivers
The vast majority of the care for people with Alzheimer’s dementia is and will be carried out by informal caregivers as health care services across the world cut funding. This is a major concern in an aging
Sex, salt, and the central nervous system: estrogen and body sodium balance
A promising new drug treatment for Alzheimer’s disease
A rare variant in TREM2 increases risk for late-onset Alzheimer’s disease
Late-onset Alzheimer’s disease (LOAD) is the most common form of dementia and affects over 5 million Americans. This neurodegenerative disease results from a combination of genetic and environmental effects and currently has no effective cures, treatments, or
A small structure hidden in the brain that might play a big role in diseases like depression and autism
New effective treatments for Alzheimer and Parkinson’s disease
Another beneficial role for insulin in the brain: keeping the brain immune responses in check
Memory mechanism demonstrated in humans
Employment of migrant care workers by Italian families assisting older Alzheimer’s disease patients
A rising phenomenon across the European Union (EU) is the increasing presence of migrant care workers (MCWs), privately employed by families of older people in need, who take over different tasks: supervision, drug administration, support in mobility