Tag Archives: amyloid fibrils

New morphology of amyloid fibrils

It has been shown earlier that one of the proteins from the Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell wall (glucantransferase Bgl2) forms amyloid structures after isolation from cell wall under acid pH conditions. It is known that the acid treatment

Determination of the size of folding nuclei of fibrils formed from Aβ(1-40) peptide

One of the most important models for studying amyloid fibril formation is the Aβ peptide, aggregates of which form plaques in the course of Alzheimer`s disease. Formation of Aβ aggregates goes through the nucleation mechanism with exponential

Oligomers are building blocks of amyloid formation for insulin and its fast analog LisPro

The hormone insulin was discovered in 1921 by Banting and Best, and since that time it has been studied rigorously. At the same time first attempts were made to use insulin for treating diabetes. Insulin was the

One of the mechanisms of amyloid fibrils formation based on the sizes of folding nuclei of Aβ40 and Aβ42

Antibiotics and various advances in medical treatment have led to overall growth of life expectancy. However, along with positive aspects of prolonged life, humanity has faced a new challenge – age-related deceases. Parkinson’s disease along with Alzheimer’s