Tag Archives: antibiotics

Interesting structural properties of auricin and its biosynthetic gene cluster

AoS. Interesting structural properties of auricin.

Streptomycetes belong to the main producers of secondary metabolites with a broad range of biological activities. A large number of these products belong to polyketides. These structurally diverse compounds are synthesized by a repeated decarboxylative condensation from

Antibiotic tolerance in bacteria: how to regain susceptibility?

AoS. Antibiotic tolerance in bacteria.

Bacteria use a plethora of mechanisms to evade killing by antibiotics. Resistance is the best documented mechanism. Here, genetic changes in the bacterial DNA result in antibiotic insensitivity. As a consequence, resistant bacteria are able to grow

Stevensite: an efficient clay to retain tetracycline from wastewater

Stevensite: an efficient clay to retain tetracycline from wastewater. AoS

The tetracycline family of antibiotics are widely used for human therapy and animal feed. However, tetracycline (TC) is considered a contaminant of emerging concern in the environment due to its presence in wastewater effluents, surface waters and

Counting choline: why this nutrient is important and how we can measure it

Simplified schematic of our new colorimetric method for measuring choline and phosphocholine

Choline is an important nutrient for the growth and sustenance of living things, from humans to bacteria. Cells covert choline into phosphocholine via the activity of the enzyme choline kinase, and a change of other enzyme mediated

Apple cider vinegar can help clear bacteria and yeast infections; a natural cure

The effect of apple cider vinegar on white blood cell clearance of microbes.

Antibiotic resistance poses a major health issue worldwide. There has never been a greater need for new anti-microbials which are natural, active on multiple organisms and ideally beneficial to the patient. Bacteria such as E-Coli, Staphylococcus aureus

The antibiotics of tomorrow: from enzyme Lego blocks to customized enzybiotics

Antibiotics play a key role in the treatment of bacterial infections and have saved millions of lives since their invention. Moreover, they allowed the development of complex surgeries and cancer treatments. However, already in 1945, after receiving

Rapid monitoring of bacterial growth and antibiotic susceptibility with quantum semiconductor biochips

Public Health authorities sound the alarm over the increasing bacterial resistance to antibiotics and project a dark picture back to the pre-antibiotic era. One avenue of solutions proposed is to identify the spectrum of susceptibility to antibiotics

Antimicrobial peptides: the future of tuberculosis therapeutics?

Tuberculosis (TB) is a life-threatening disease that caused 1.2 million deaths, of a total 9.6 million new diagnosed cases, in 2014 alone, according to data from the World Health Organization (WHO). These data rank TB on top

Inhibitors that reduce the acquisition of antibiotic resistance

The rapid emergence of antibiotic resistance is a worldwide crisis, endangering the efficacy of antibiotic treatment. A recent article in Scientific America (December 16, 2014) highlights the importance of developing strategies for reducing antibiotic resistance and prolonging

Antibiotics for treatment of asthma-like episodes in childhood

Childhood asthma is often preceded by recurrent episodes of asthma-like symptoms in relation to airway infections in the first years of life. Treatment of such episodes represents a major unmet clinical need; they are the most common

Diamonds – The doctors’s best friend?!

Most people know about diamonds as jewelry and as the hardest material that can cut nearly everything. It is also known that what makes diamonds unique is the crystalline structure, which is brought about primarily with high

The antibacterials that have yet to be found

Science has contributed greatly to prolong the lifespan and health conditions of humans. However, close to the coming of age of the XXI Century, humankind is confronting the global war against infectious diseases. Leaving aside other microorganisms-associated

Antibiotics: what patients don’t know

Antibiotics are among the most frequently prescribed and precious medicines we have. They cure infections if used correctly but overuse, underuse and usage errors pose risks to patients and the community. Risks include excess side effects, uncured