Tag Archives: anxiety
Inner peace and faith: the impact of spiritual well-being on anxiety protection in healthcare workers
Orexin signaling promotes initial alcohol consumption

Orexins (orexin-A, orx-A and orexin-B, orx-B) are neuropeptides expressed exclusively in hypothalamic neurons of the lateral hypothalamus and perifornical area. They mediate their effects through activation of two G-protein coupled receptors, the orexin-1-receptor (Orx1R) and orexin-2-receptor (Orx2R).
Mindless monitoring: When does attention help or hurt our emotional health
Why is anxiety more common in women? Investigating sex differences in threat and safety learning
Anxiety-related disorders like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are up to twice as common in women as in men but the reasons behind this remain unclear. People with PTSD often experience negative emotions like fear when reminded of
Immunological disturbances observed in chronic alcoholism
Assessment of anxiety: a matter of temperature?
The management of horses during fireworks in New Zealand
The negative effects of fireworks on companion animals have been reported, but little has been documented on the impact on horses. Horse anxiety was commonly associated with fireworks, and 26% of owners reported horses injuries as a
Who are the people waitiing to have talking therapies?
Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) is a national programme across the England offering access to psychological therapies for people with depression and anxiety. These include cognitive behavioural therapy and other “talking therapies”. A way to monitor