Tag Archives: assay

Fast and simple glyphosate detection using a functionalized surface

Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide worldwide. It is used since the 1970s to dispose of weeds to increase yield. Since some years its use is under great debate because of its potentially cancerogenic effect and

Studying potential endocrine disrupting chemicals: comparison of yeast and human cell-based in vitro assays

The production of chemicals for agricultural and industrial use, cosmetics or food additives is steadily increasing. To protect the environment and human health against the potential risks arising from these man-made chemicals, the authorities introduced several programs

Urine lipoarabinomannan assays for paediatric tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is one of the most common infectious diseases worldwide with 2 billion people being latently infected and 9 million people diagnosed with active disease every year. Infection with TB is also a major contributor to childhood

A complete molecular diagnostic test on a compact disc

A challenge in health diagnosis today involves the rapid analysis of genomic information in tests called molecular diagnostic assays. These tests can analyze a person’s bodily fluids to determine the cause of sickness, and can detect a