Tag Archives: ATP

Dynamic electron microscopy: recording of ATP-induced myosin head movement in living muscle myosin filament

Muscle contraction results from relative sliding between actin and myosin filaments, caused by cyclic movement of myosin heads coupled with ATP hydrolysis. It is generally believed that individual myosin heads M), extending from myosin filaments, first bind

Why are skeletal muscles not depleted of energy during intense exercise?

ATP is a universal carrier of energy in a form easily accessible for different reactions in the cell. Its hydrolysis to ADP and Pi (inorganic phosphate) drives processes that cannot occur spontaneously and require energy, for instance

Clues for innovative therapies targeting the c-ring of the F1FO-ATP synthase

Increasing evidence points out that the ATP synthase/hydrolase, also known as F1FO-complex, can be the key enzymatic switch between cell life and death. So, the enzyme complex, which bears the task of building most cellular ATP, the

Spectroscopic platform to cut time and resources needed to quantify cancer cell biomarker concentrations

Survivability of a living cell, tissue and ultimately a being is influenced by the state of proteolytic degradation of extracellular matrix (ECM) components; if the dynamics of the degradation is perturbed, regulation of many biological processes such

A variant RNA polymerase controls bacterial pathogenicity and stress responses

In order for cells to carry out normal functions, the genetic information stored in DNA needs to be first converted to RNA. This conversion – known as transcription – is carried out by a class of enzymes

Chemesthesis affects taste

The sensations of taste, which are divisible into several distinct qualities: sweet, sour, bitter, salty, umami, and possibly fatty, play an important role for accepting or rejecting food and serve to protect us from ingesting harmful substances,

Mitochondrial ROS and cancer drug resistance

The repetitive and continuous circle of resistance to anti-cancer agents was a primary focus of the above-titled articles recently published in Pharmacological Research. Gaining a basic understanding of why so many (possibly all) drugs currently available against