Tag Archives: ATP
Dynamic electron microscopy: recording of ATP-induced myosin head movement in living muscle myosin filament
Clues for innovative therapies targeting the c-ring of the F1FO-ATP synthase
Increasing evidence points out that the ATP synthase/hydrolase, also known as F1FO-complex, can be the key enzymatic switch between cell life and death. So, the enzyme complex, which bears the task of building most cellular ATP, the
Spectroscopic platform to cut time and resources needed to quantify cancer cell biomarker concentrations
A variant RNA polymerase controls bacterial pathogenicity and stress responses
Chemesthesis affects taste
Mitochondrial ROS and cancer drug resistance
The repetitive and continuous circle of resistance to anti-cancer agents was a primary focus of the above-titled articles recently published in Pharmacological Research. Gaining a basic understanding of why so many (possibly all) drugs currently available against