Tag Archives: autophagy

Allosteric degraders of EGFR leading to cancer cell detachment-promoted death

AoS. Allosteric Degraders of EGFR Leading to Cancer.

Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) allosteric tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) have emerged as a therapeutic option for overcoming drug resistance in cancer. We have developed furfuryl derivatives of 4-allyl-5-[2-(4-alkoxyphenyl)-quinolin-4-yl]-4H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thiol and have shown that these compounds bind to

Autophagy suppression decreases craniofacial bone mass

AoS. Autophagy suppression decreases craniofacial bone mass

Macroautophagy (hereafter autophagy) is the main intracellular degradation mechanism to maintain cellular homeostasis by degrading misfolded proteins, recycling dysfunctional organelles, and generating energy fuels under physiological and pathological conditions. Autophagy consists of two major steps: autophagosome formation,

Mitophagy in health and disease

Mitophagy in health and disease. AoS

Mitochondria are cellular organelles specialized for energy production, and critically influence several features of cellular metabolism and physiology. Maintenance of a healthy mitochondrial pool is a prerequisite for cellular and tissue homeostasis. Compromised mitochondrial function results in

HIV-1 alters mitochondria in neurons and contributes to HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders

HIV-1 alters mitochondria in neurons and contributes. AoS

Human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV) enters the brain during the initial stages of infection and can cause neurologic dysfunction. Despite the success of HIV treatment through combination antiretroviral therapy (ART), impaired neurocognitive function remains an important problem

Reactive oxygen species, Devil or Angel?

Reactive oxygen species

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) have an amazing oxidative potential with oxidative stress and could abolish the integrity of living cells. Vigorous production of ROS can damage mitochondria and DNA, which would persistently destroy the cells and might

Keeping a clean house to suppress HER2+ breast tumor growth

Keeping a clean house to suppress HER2+ breast tumor growth

Autophagy (self-eating) is a process used by normal cells to keep a “clean house”. It degrades abnormal or damaged proteins and organelles, helps to fight infections and also provides energy during periods of fasting or exercise. Besides

Bacteriocin AS-48: a potent drug against sleeping sickness

Graphical abstract about AS-48 activity against Trypanosoma brucei.

African trypanosomiasis has been a historical scourge on the African continent and one of the major causes of poverty. It is responsible for sleeping sickness in humans (HAT), and it avoids the development of agriculture based on

Alzheimer’s risk gene weakens brain cell’s garbage disposal system

APOE ε4 is the most common genetic risk factor for development of Alzheimer’s disease. Having two copies of this gene (one from the mother and one from the father) increases a person’s relative risk to as much

A “Cool” way to study Parkinson´s Disease

The Big Bang Theory left us amazed about how Leonard was able to bring back a snowflake embedded in resin from the North Pole to give to Penny. The reality is that this concept is not so

Hypoxia mimetic blocks adipocyte differentiation but induces lipid accumulation

Obesity is one of the most immediate health threats in industrialized countries, increasing morbidity and mortality.  It is characterized by an excessive increase of white adipose tissue. Adipose tissue is a tissue with high plasticity, having the

Simultaneous glucose fasting and autophagy inhibition enhances chemotherapy treatment

If you could cut your risk of developing cancer, diabetes, and heart disease, rejuvenate your immune system, and potentially live longer – would you do it? What if the answer to potentially save your life is as

Heart failure drug restores sensitivity to radioactive iodide treatment in aggressive thyroid cancer

Patients diagnosed with thyroid cancer generally have a good prognosis as a result of implementing treatment regimens consisting of surgery and radioactive iodide (RAI) ablation. However, in about 30% of cases, these tumors develop resistance to RAI

Vodka and wine consumption: good for your liver?

Approximately 50 million Americans are affected by metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is defined as hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, high blood pressure and glucose intolerance leading to type 2 diabetes mellitus. Patients with metabolic syndrome have an increased risk of

What if nanodiamonds aren’t people’s best friends?

The dynamic development of nanotechnology and nanoscience is associated with the increasing production and use of nanomaterials, such as nanodiamonds (ND), which have a diamond structure at a nanometer scale. They possess a variety of superior characteristics

Get yourself to eat your way out of cancer and neurodegenerative diseases

A cells health is maintained by numerous biological processes one of which termed autophagy (or self-eating) involves the breakdown of parts of the cell in an orderly manner, this is in order to generate energy and replace