Tag Archives: B cell

Vaccine design in the OMICs Era

A retrospection into the field of vaccinology reveals the triumph of medical science over infectious diseases that were once a death sentence. Research on vaccines has come a long way since 1796 when Edward Jenner used a

Routine imaging in patients with follicular lymphoma in remission

Routine imaging in patients with follicular lymphoma in remission

B-cell lymphomas are a heterogeneous group of malignancies originating from B lymphocytes. Modern day chemotherapy is effective in inducing disease remission in a large percentage of patients for most of the subtypes. Some of these subtypes, the

Inner myeloid gene network as a nexus of hematopoiesis and infection

The immunological system is equipped with efficient and tunable mechanisms to remove immediately pathogens from our body. Invasion of microbes in the blood is an emergency state, because they can trigger inflammatory responses, leading to sepsis. Therefore,

MYD88 mutation is associated with an unfavorable outcome of Primary Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma

Malignant lymphoma is a cancer of lymphocytes. This is actually a disease group consisting of multiple subtypes, among which diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is characterized by diffuse proliferation of large B lymphoid cells. Primary DLBCL of

Defining optimal therapy for patients with aggressive B-cell lymphoma and central nervous system involvement

Aggressive lymphomas constitute a heterogeneous group of malignancies characterized by a fast growth and dissemination that exhibit a high sensitivity to chemotherapy , radiotherapy and immunotherapy , and show high cure rates with modern therapies . A

B cells to the rescue: regulatory B cells are a promising therapeutic target for autoimmune disease

Immune cells are indispensable for protecting us from microbial infections. They recognize specific patterns on microbes to mount robust cellular and molecular immune responses for the clearance of pathogens. Intriguingly, development and function of these cells is