Tag Archives: BDNF

A versatile in vitro bioassay for the screening of neurotrophic factor gene therapy systems to combat blindness

Glaucoma is the world’s second leading cause of blindness after cataracts, affecting about 80 million people worldwide annually. The disease is characterized by neurodegeneration involving a progressive visual field loss from the periphery towards the center, and

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor is a miracle fertilizer for our brain?

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is sometimes called “miracle grow for the brain” because several studies have reported that BDNF “nourishes neurons like fertilizer.” It is well-known that BDNF protects brain cells and stimulates growth of their dendrites

Age-dependent impairments in spatial learning in mice with reduced BDNF levels

The protein BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) belongs to the family of nerve growth factors (neurotrophins). Therefore, one of its major functions is related to the maturation and differentiation of developing nerve cells in the brain. But BDNF

Theta burst like stimulations lead to formation of BDNF dependent memory traces

Creating and storing memory traces in our brains is essential for learning, logical thinking, creativity, and for being able to recall persons, events, and facts throughout life. Memory traces are created by joint electrical activity in nerve