Tag Archives: biopolymer

Starch fatty acid esters – versatile bio-based thermoplastics

The biopolymer starch is well-known in the kitchen for baking, cooking, and as a component of flour and is available in large quantities. This makes starch interesting as sustainable resource to convert it into biodegradable products to

Biopolymers with shape memory

AoS. Biopolymers with shape memory

The polylactic acid (PLA) family of polymers are made from plant-based oils and so are carbon-neutral; any carbon that they contribute to the environment has been extracted from the atmosphere by the growing plant. They can be

Achieving synergistic biopolymer functions using systems chemistry

Biology succeeds by maintaining intricate networks of chemical and structural information far from equilibrium. The guiding premise of the highlighted manuscript1 asks whether synthetic and materials chemistry will be able to achieve a bottom-up construction of alternative

New material for vertebral fractures repair

Vertebroplasty, the injection of bone cement into fractured vertebra in order to restore its original height and shape, is the most popular and effective treatment of vertebral compression fractures. However, the long term success of this kind

Clay nanotubes loaded with Sr(II) could help in designing composite scaffolds for bone regeneration

The treatment of age-related diseases is a high-priority issue in modern western societies, mainly because of the progressive ageing of the population and the increase in life expectancy. Osteoporosis, literally “porous bone”, is a condition in which