Tag Archives: cardiomyocyte

Understanding cardiac arrhythmias using an embryonic stem cell model

Embryonic stem cells are pluripotent and have the capability to differentiate into almost all cell types of the body. Thus, they offer great potential for regenerative medicine such as cell-based therapies and basic research purposes including disease

Not remodeled left atria and mitral regurgitation: what learn from microstructure

Chronic mitral regurgitation (MR) is the most common type of heart valve disorder, frequently characterized by left atrial (LA) enlargement as a compensatory mechanism. This change in LA dimension may increase the risk of atrial fibrillation (AF)

Heme: an old player with a novel mechanism in cardiac muscle contractility

Heme is a complex containing iron and protoporphyrin IX and it is commonly bound to proteins involved in oxygen transport, detoxification and energy production. However, this molecule has been known to have toxic effects in the heart.