Tag Archives: cell

Biologics Unleashed: Next-Gen Development Techniques

AoS. Biologics Unleashed: Next-Gen Development Techniques

The world of biopharmaceuticals is witnessing an era of unprecedented growth, largely fueled by the advancements in biologics development. Biologics, unlike traditional small-molecule drugs, are complex proteins derived from living cells used to treat a plethora of

The complementary anti-inflammatory and anticancer activity of hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives

AoS.The complementary anti-inflammatory and anticancer activity of hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives

Inflammation is an important and extremely complex biological process involving a high number of mediators responsible for the activation of multiple cascades, providing a wide range of possible targets for the pharmacological treatment of inflammatory-related diseases. It

Antigen-expressing regulatory T cells can protect against allergic reactions

AoS. Antigen-expressing regulatory T cells can protect against allergic reactions

Our immune systems are designed to protect us from dangerous foreign invaders, like viruses, bacteria or parasites. However, sometimes we respond to usually harmless foreign materials, e.g. pollens or food, the results of which can be mild

Effect of synergism of small molecules against fibrillation process of human serum albumin

AoS. Effect of synergism of small molecules against fibrillation process of human serum albumin.

There are different ways by which small molecules interact with protein and its aggregates. One of it is synergistic interaction of drugs or small molecules against protein aggregates. Protein aggregation is a common cause of neurodegeneration. Most

Exploring early mechanotransduction responses

Exploring early mechanotransduction responses. AoS

Mechanical stress plays a key role in cellular behaviour and fate, affecting the correct development and functionality of tissues and organs. Due to the complexity of the in vivo cellular environment, most mechanotransduction research relies on the

When cell death is better than cell survival: Monocyte response to lysates from different strains of Campylobacter jejuni

Schematic representation of monocyte responses to Campylobacter jejuni lysates. AoS

Campylobacter jejuni, a Gram-negative pathogen, is one of the leading bacterial causes of gastroenteritis world-wide. The invasion and multiplication of C. jejuni is a multistep process that includes interaction with the intestinal epithelial cells (IECs). The only

Novel biosensors for the rapid detection of toxicants in foods

Different enzymes commonly used in biosensors

The specific objective of this monograph is mainly to exploit progress in nanosciences to deploy nanotechnology in affordable, mass-produced sensors, and to integrate these into components and systems (including portable ones) for mass market applications in environmental

Impact of digestion on the transport of macromolecule loaded nanoemulsion through intestine epithelium

The oral route, being the most convenient route for patients, has been extensively explored for the delivery of large molecular weight hydrophilic drugs. Oral delivery of macromolecules such as peptides and proteins has been a challenge due

Role of lymphadenectomy in non-small cell lung cancer surgical management

The prognosis and survival of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients is dependent on the stage of disease, which is based on tumor size and nodal and distant metastasis at presentation. In turn, cancer stage assessment is

Novel arginine demethylase function of JMJD1B gene controls cell fate decision of blood progenitors

Epigenetic modifications such as post-translational modifications (PTMs) of histone proteins and DNA methylation dynamically changes in cells to fine-tune the expression of genes required for normal cellular function. These epigenetic modifications involve in nearly all cell fate

Apoptotic cell’s dying wish is to be replaced

It has been estimated that out of ~37.2 trillion cells in an adult human, 50-70 billion cells die each day through the highly regulated programmed cell death, known as apoptosis. Thus, new cells must be generated to

Disrupted fat breakdown in the brain makes mice dumb

Study led by the University of Bonn elucidated a previously unknown possible cause of dementia. A study led by the University of Bonn opens a new perspective with regard to the development of dementia. The scientists blocked

The protein “CHIP” unfurls anti-aging activity

Researchers at the universities of Cologne and Bonn uncover the link between protein aggregation and aging. Not only does our way of life determine how long we live but so too does our genetic material. Of particular

Image Cytometer – NucleoCounter® NC-3000™

The NucleoCounter® NC-3000™ is an advanced image cytometer utilizing fluorescence imaging to characterize cell properties. The NC-3000™ can perform high speed cell count and viability determination and includes plug-and-play analytical assays of mammalian, yeast and insect cells.

NucleoCounter® NC-200™ – Automated Cell Counter

The NucleoCounter® NC-200™ is a high precision automated cell counter utilizing state-of-the-art image cytometry. With user adaptable protocols and specialized assays for counting a wide range of mammalian cells, including adipose-derived stem cells, T cells, aggregated cells

Active role of cell-derived microparticles in diabetes associated cardiovascular complications

Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by high blood glucose (or hyperglycaemia) resulting from defects in insulin secretion from the pancreatic beta cells, insulin action, or both. The chronic hyperglycaemia produces disturbances of carbohydrate, fat and

How to build a communication system for cells

Single cell organisms, such as amoebae, are able to live independently without the need for extracellular communication systems. However, multicellular organisms, such as insects, fish and mammals, require systems that permit individual cells to communicate to one

Do low frequency electromagnetic fields interfere with cellular physiology?

Electromagnetic radiation, fields, or waves have been around since the birth of the universe, with daylight as the most familiar one. We are continuously exposed to different EMFs, mostly without even noticing them. Depending on their frequency,

How does aspirin inhibit melanin synthesis?

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are known to act by directly suppressing the activity of cyclooxygenase, the key enzyme catalyzing the biosynthesis of prostaglandin, which induces inflammation. Therefore, NSAIDs are usually used for treating pain, inflammation, and fever.

How cells crawl… that’s right, crawl

Within our bodies, every cell must crawl – some only a few millionths of an inch, while others, like nerve fibers, must make their way from the spinal cord to the tips of our toes. The ability