Tag Archives: chemistry
Cs adsorption by Mn‒Fe-based Prussian blue analogs formed in agarose gel
DIY materials will allow scientists and engineers to re-make the world
Human development has been based on making the best possible use of natural materials and resources – initially plants, wood, stone and metals, before the evolution of man-made materials such as plastics. All of these kinds of
Transient imine directing groups for C–H functionalisation
Pharma Chem Congress 2018. Dublin, Ireland. June 28-29, 2018
Making 8-membered rings – It’s a DOS (diversity orientated synthesis) approach
Just add water; boiling up high-performing thermoelectrics
Can a doughnut-shaped molecule help design new drugs?
Chemistry of wonderful wet laundering
Can NSAIDs alter thyroid hormone function?
Repositioning chemistry for the 21st century
A mature science developed over more than 200 years, chemistry provides understanding of the properties of atoms and molecules and practical methods for creating new molecular structures that may find useful applications. Chemistry is also an enabling