Tag Archives: childhood

Shame on me: dancing and adversity

Shame on Me: Dancing and Adversity

Professional and pre-professional dancers spend years training in order to express the deepest experiences of the human condition. They acquire physical skills that translate into aesthetic works of art. Regardless of the dance form, whether classical ballet,

Talking about childhood music: A twin study

Talking about childhood music

To what extent do childhood experiences of music practice influence thinking about music later in life? We could get an idea about this if we talk about childhood music memories while physiological recordings are made concomitantly. If we observe that there are clear

Fine needle aspiration cytology for neck masses in childhood. An important tool in pediatrics

Mucin-secreting vacuolated cells, intermediate cells, and squamous cells

Neck masses can be incidental or the reason for significant concern for parents and physicians. The technique of fine-needle aspiration (FNA) cytology (FNAC) may be crucial in such settings. In 1981, the first FNA biopsy performed in

New therapy for the treatment of childhood bone cancer

Cancer in children and young adults is rare, with survival rates being very high, mainly depending on the treatment. The biggest proportion of this diagnosis will be on leukaemia and brain tumours, with just about 3% of

Antibiotics for treatment of asthma-like episodes in childhood

Childhood asthma is often preceded by recurrent episodes of asthma-like symptoms in relation to airway infections in the first years of life. Treatment of such episodes represents a major unmet clinical need; they are the most common

Stressful childhoods lead to shorter adult height, but via different pathways for boys and girls

As children grow into adults, they face compromises between prolonging growth, and reaching milestones such as puberty and the start of reproduction. They respond to cues in their environment in order to choose the best compromise. In

Migraine, lifestyle, childhood

Migraine is one of the most frequently reported somatic complaints in childhood, with a negative impact on health-related quality of life. Headaches in childhood are subtended by primary headache syndromes with a significant negative impact on the