Tag Archives: children

Arthroereisis for symptomatic flexible flatfoot deformity in young children

Flexible flatfoot is a common deformity in the pediatric population. The foot due to ligamentous laxity is unable to support the body weight at its three contact areas to the ground (The plantar aspect of the calcaneus,

Poverty may affect the developing brain through chronic stress

Socioeconomic disadvantage, which is prevalent in the United States and worldwide, is consistently associated with lower academic achievement and higher risk for emotional and behavioral problems. Exposure to socioeconomic disadvantage during childhood can leave long-lasting imprints on

Supportive relationships in children and adolescents facing political violence and mass disasters

AoS. Supportive Relationships in Children and Adolescents Facing Political Violence and Mass Disasters

In the context of mass trauma events such as political violence and natural disasters, children and adolescents are inherently more vulnerable to maladjustment and psychopathology than adults. Despite this, many adolescents tend to survive, even thrive, suggesting

Aflatoxin exposure: pending regulation for vulnerable people

AoS. Aflatoxin exposure: pending regulation for vulnerable people.

Mycotoxins are toxins produced by filamentous fungi in food, especially because of water stress in the field or inadequate humidity and temperature in storage. Mycotoxins produce a toxic effect on animals and humans, from acute effects to

High-quality interactions with caregivers linked to larger vocabularies among toddlers born preterm

In the United States, approximately 1 in every 10 infants is born preterm. The smallest and youngest of these children at birth are at risk for delays in their development. For example, as a group, these children are

How well do parents understand sexualised behaviour in their children?

While school-based programs are commonly used to help children protect themselves from sexual abuse, these programs tend to rely on children themselves to prevent and report sexual abuse. This asks much (perhaps too much) of the child.

Using rewards to induce better eating behaviors in children: evidence from a field experiment

According to the Centers for Disease Control, a substantial portion of children—8.9% of two to five-year olds and 21.9% of six to 11 year-olds—can be categorized as obese. Given the adverse effects of pediatric obesity on dietary

A combination of medical therapy and liver transplantation save children with acute liver failure

Acute liver failure (ALF) in children is defined as a severe impairment of liver function characterized by biochemical evidence of acute liver injury, coagulopathy (INR ≥2.0) regardless of the presence of hepatic encephalopathy (HE) and no history

Should repetitive behaviours be discouraged in older children with intellectual disabilities?

The importance of considering level of development when understanding the behaviour of individuals with intellectual disability: the case of repetitive behaviours and restricted interests. Children with intellectual disabilities develop more slowly and to a lower ceiling level

Characteristics of children with familial and idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy

Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a disease characterized by weakening of the heart muscle that becomes dilated and unable to pump blood efficiently. DCM is diagnosed in 0.57 of 100,000 children per year in North America and has

Excess weight reduction in primary school students

Childhood obesity is a global public health problem related to many preventable diseases, alarmingly on the increase. Iran is no exception. In an effort to address this problem, we designed and tested an intervention to combat excess

Children and their parent’s terminal illness: The role of doctors and nurses

The diagnosis of a terminal illness is a stressful event. However, when patients have dependent children (children under the age of 18 years) there are additional anxieties, uncertainties and stressors. A concern for parents is about how

New therapy for the treatment of childhood bone cancer

Cancer in children and young adults is rare, with survival rates being very high, mainly depending on the treatment. The biggest proportion of this diagnosis will be on leukaemia and brain tumours, with just about 3% of

Octreotide – a promising fight against chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction

Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (CIPO) is a rare disorder that affects the intestinal tract of children and adults. It is a chronic and devastating disease that has significant morbidity and mortality. CIPO is characterized by severe and disabling

Stanford scholars analyze children’s ability to detect ‘sins of omission’

Stanford researchers found that children as young as 4 years old, under certain conditions, can discern “sins of omission” – misleading but technically accurate information. The researchers found that the order in which information is presented makes

I knew I loved you before I met you: Unlocking the potential of prenatal attachment

When do you think the bond between a mother and her child begins? As you ponder this question, you may be thinking it’s when a baby is first born, as a mother cradles her newborn in her

Do all children have equal access to Phase I cancer trials?

Approximately 60% of pediatric cancer patients participate in clinical trials compared to only 5% of adult cancer patients.  These pediatric clinical trials have been instrumental in improving the 5-year survival rate of childhood and adolescent cancer patients

What all can your child eat apart from food: coins, magnets or more?

Ingestion of foreign bodies is a common paediatric problem. The majority of ingested foreign bodies pass spontaneously. The type of foreign body differs depending on the age and eating habits of the subject. Thus, foreign bodies found

Do children with Autism Spectrum Disorder understand the representational meaning of the eye gaze?

Gaze following is crucial for human social cognition, this ability develops from a low-level perceptual mechanism to a representational one. In typical development, between 6 and 12 months, infants perceive the gaze as a directional cue that

Cerebellar and brainstem malformations

The development of the cerebellum and brainstem is a highly complex process that involves a large number of genes. Mutations in these genes may cause an abnormal development of the cerebellum and brainstem and result in several