Tag Archives: chromosome
Effect of exposure-age on chromosomal rearrangements in methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas exposed survivors
New insights into the cause of Prader-Willi syndrome, a rare obesity-related genetic disorder
Is inversion symmetry of chromosomes a law of nature?
How to characterize best the genetic content of small supernumerary marker chromosomes
A new hypothesis of autoimmune diseases: stress and the nucleolus
Chromosome gains and losses in the human brain are probably less important than previously thought
Time to reflect as chromosomes loop-the-loop
22q11.2 deletion syndrome diagnosed in a young patient presenting with Parkinson disease
X chromosome inactivation and escape: skipping Lyon’s law causes sex differences and disease
β-Carotene requirement for anti-aging depends on genetic background
Aberrantly methylated DNA regions in IgA Nephropathy patients affect the disease
Reconstruction of chromosomal structures
Under a certain approximation, the following simplified format can be adopted. DNA is considered as a very long sequence in the {A,C,T,G} alphabet. Certain regions of the sequence with specific positions have a particular role and are
Sperm DNA damage and its role in fertility
One way or another, it takes two people to make a baby. Under normal circumstances, a sperm and an egg fuse to make an embryo however there are numerous occasions under which this process needs a little
What sex will it be? And why?
For millennia, pregnant women (and their partners) have wondered what sex the baby will be. Many parents wish for sons, especially as first-borns. Methods to achieve this have included tying off the left testicle, drinking lion’s blood,