Tag Archives: cocaine

Mortality risk among cocaine users after and before economic recession

AoS. Mortality Risk Among Cocaine Users after and before economic recession

This study targeted residents in northern Italy who turned to a public treatment centre for primary cocaine use between 1982 and 2016. Its aims were to estimate mortality risk, and to examine mortality for subjects who have

Cocaine damages the muscle of the eels

The increasing use of illicit drugs by humans resulted in a gradual contamination of surface waters, since these substances, excreted with the urines, are not always efficiently removed from sewage effluents in sewage treatment plants. Today, the

What makes people under stress more vulnerable to become addicted to cocaine? Brain BDNF may be the key

Annually, drug addiction leads to 0.5 – 1.3% of mortality for people between 15-64 years of age and has an estimated economic impact of $524 billion in the U.S, due to addiction-related health care, loss of productivity,