Tag Archives: corticosterone

The stress of dieting: what a rat model may tell us about weight loss in women

In the United States, obesity and concomitant diseases such as hypertension and diabetes have soared in older adults—and obesity is especially pronounced in women after menopause. Numerous strategies are used to combat excess weight, with the most

Effect of exercise duration and exercise withdrawal on memory consolidation trend

The beneficial effects of exercise on the physiologic systems, brain, and mental health are well-established. Also, the maintenance of a healthy central nervous system throughout life serves as an imperative public health goal. Evidently, exercise can help

Increased stress hormone exposure can be beneficial

Under challenging circumstances, such as predator exposure or lack of food, animals naturally secrete stress hormones. Production, secretion and release into the bloodstream of these hormones is tightly regulated by the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal axis (the stress axis), a