Tag Archives: depression

Can tremor, depression and progression of the Parkinson’s disease be suppressed simultaneously?

AoS. Can tremor, depression and progression of the Parkinson’s disease be suppressed simultaneously?

The short answer to this question is YES! Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common age-related and progressive neurodegenerative disorder following Alzheimer’s disease (AD). It is associated with motor deficits such as loss of ability to

Short sleep duration is associated with symptoms of depression

AoS.Short Sleep Duration is Associated with Symptoms of Depression

The average person spends about a third of his life sleeping, but for the busy and the ambitious that is a lot of time.  Many of us would rather spend that time working on important projects or

How exercise can improve your mental health – it’s a no brainer!

A plethora of studies are emerging which show the positive effects that exercise can have on mental health and emotional state. The physical effects of exercise include reduction of blood pressure, greater cardiovascular fitness, weight loss and

Mind-wandering plus mindfulness: say ‘no’ to negative mood or depression

Mind wandering and its equivalent concepts such as self-generated thought, stimulus independent thought, task-unrelated thought, and spontaneous thought refer to a mental phenomenon that occupies considerable time in everyday life. The high frequency of the occurrence of

Mindless monitoring: When does attention help or hurt our emotional health

When it comes to anxiety and depression, a long-standing assumption is that there is something off about one’s ability to effectively focus and attend to present moment situations. Prominent theories in clinical psychology propose that anxiety causes

How much alcohol is in ketamine`s antidepressant response?

The rapid and robust antidepressant action following a single intravenous sub-narcotic ketamine infusion (usually 0.5 mg/kg over 40 minutes) in the treatment of resistant major depression is unique and encouraging, albeit short-lasting (up to 7 days). Increasing

The clockwork behind depression

Globally, an estimated 350 million people of all ages suffer from depression and the number is increasing. Currently, we don’t know exactly what causes depression. However, what we do know is that depression and the circadian rhythm

People with chronic disease learn to manage symptoms of depression

Symptoms of depression – like feeling sad and loss of interest in usual activities – are common among people with chronic diseases like diabetes and arthritis. These feelings can interfere with enjoyment of life and can reduce

Depression severity is related to the development of heart disease in previously cardiac health subjects

Depression is a disabling, high-prevalence psychiatric condition. It is well established that depression is linked with physiological changes that can contribute to an unfavorable outcome in cardiac patients. As depressed patients exhibit impairments in the autonomic nervous

Are we depressed when we miss our inner clock?

All of us have preferred times to wake up and to go to bed. We get hungry at approximately the same times each day and can concentrate better at other times. Such daily rhythms are not just

Promoting myelination as a strategy to rescue depressive-like behavior

All of our activities-e.g. reading, walking, and thinking- are controlled by our brain. The brain is mainly composed of two types of cells, neurons and glial cells, which communicate with each other every second (or millisecond) and

Who are the people waitiing to have talking therapies?

Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) is a national programme across the England offering access to psychological therapies for people with depression and anxiety. These include cognitive behavioural therapy and other “talking therapies”. A way to monitor

Serotonergic drugs in the treatment of symptoms in Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease showing alterations in neurotransmitters, above all in brain regions responsibles for cognition and emotions. In this disease, an imbalance between neurotransmitters, acetylcholine, GABA, glutamate, noradrenaline and serotonin are included. In brain

Botulinum toxin for depression: Does patient appearance matter?

Most people know Botulinum Toxin (Botox®) as “the stuff that people use to make them look younger.” Botulinum toxin is a “neurotoxin” produced by a bacteria called Clostridium botulinum.  When injected in small amounts, it causes weakening

Phthalate exposure and depression in an elderly population

Phthalates are chemicals used to increase the flexibility and softness of plastics or preserve the scent in various personal care products. They are included in a wide range of products such as food packaging, medical devices, children’s

The blue coma: the role of methylene blue in unexplained coma after cardiac surgery

More than 10% of U.S. citizens aged 12 and over take antidepressant medication, and this percentage is mirrored in many other countries. The most commonly prescribed antidepressant drugs are Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), whose mechanism of

Clinical depression predicts persistence of paranoia in clinical high-risk patients to psychosis

Pathways to both occurrence and persistence of paranoia and persecutory ideation have always been a topic of great interest in psychiatry research. Emotions, anxiety and depression in particular, have been in focus of this discussion. Wilhelm Griesinger

Melatonin and serotonin in psychiatric and brain disorders

Melatonin is well known as a treatment for jet lag, being naturally released by the brain when we close our eyes to go to sleep. However, recent research shows that melatonin is released by many, if not

Music therapy eases depression, soothes agitation in nursing home residents with dementia

Did you know that around the world there are more than 35 million people living with dementia? People who are diagnosed with dementia, a progressively worsening disorder that affects memory, often experience a sad mood, agitation, and

A vital sign for the mind

Movies, television shows and the daily news will oftentimes depict people in severe states of drinking or drug behaviors, illustrating the depravity of this problem. It is more dramatic to show victims of these addictions in advance