Tag Archives: dermatology

4th World Dermatology Congress. Berlin, Germany. June 19-20, 2019

4th World Dermatology Congress, is independently organized by Meetings International held during June 19-20, 2019 in the beautiful city of Berlin, Germany. Our goal is to bring together bright minds to give talks that are idea-focused, and

Fingernails – a window into the world of disease

If our eyes are the windows into our soul, our fingernails can be viewed as windows into our health. The finger nail plate and its surrounding supporting structures (the fingernail unit) (Fig. 1) is an often overlooked

Keeping Score: dermoscopy for the diagnosis of melanocytic lesions

Among people at high risk for melanoma, skin cancer screening is valuable for early detection of a new malignant melanoma. When dermatologists identify a suspicious lesion, a biopsy is performed and the removed skin sample is sent

Borrelia spirochetes found in a patient with Flegel disease

Flegel disease (Hyperkeratosis lenticularis perstans – HLP) is a rare autosomal dermatosis, characterized by small, asymptomatic, reddishbrown, keratotic papules occurring most frequently over the dorsa of the feet and the lower parts of the arms and legs.

Botulinum toxin for depression: Does patient appearance matter?

Most people know Botulinum Toxin (Botox®) as “the stuff that people use to make them look younger.” Botulinum toxin is a “neurotoxin” produced by a bacteria called Clostridium botulinum.  When injected in small amounts, it causes weakening

Comparing skin research funding with skin disease burden

Distributing funding dollars to research is an important and daunting task. While many factors influence research-funding decisions, establishing a transparent, priority-setting system is paramount. This is particularly important for the National Institutes of Health, which invests over