Tag Archives: diet
Other components of less common oilseeds are much more beneficial for health than their unsaturated fats
Nutritional strategies in managing postmeal glucose for Type 2 Diabetes mellitus
More Paleolithic-like lifestyles and diets associated with lower colorectal cancer risk
Educational hospitalization for ulcerative colitis: relapse prevention by plant-based diet
The ‘fundamental questions of obesity’: Asked and answered
Celiac disease and associated dermatitis
Heat, diet and lifestyles control longevity in animals and man
How salt hate your bones: the nexus between high dietary salt intake and bone loss
What is the keto diet?
Posted by Josh Miller The majority of diets come and go, and if you’ve tried as many as I have with less than great results, then you often wonder why you would bother with all the effort.
Assessing the evidence on weight loss strategies
Weight loss and weight management is of upmost importance in our current climate of increasing rates of overweight and obesity and of associated diseases like type 2 diabetes. Here the evidence on weight loss strategies, in people
Plant based diets can help lower blood pressures of women in the U.S.
Approximately 65% of adults over 60 years in the US are hypertensive. Poor dietary habits and sedentary lifestyles are fueling the hypertension epidemic. Higher consumption of plant foods can help lower blood pressures in developed countries. Moreover,