Tag Archives: dopamine

Modulation of intracellular dopamine signaling by aripiprazole may cause malocclusion as an extrapyramidal symptom

AoS. Modulation of intracellular dopamine signaling by aripiprazole may cause malocclusion as an extrapyramidal symptom

Aripiprazole, a dopamine partial agonist, is one of the most widely prescribed atypical antipsychotics and its use in children and adolescents has become common. However, due to its favorable side effect profile, its potential for inducing extrapyramidal

Role of dopamine in cortico-basal ganglia loop in psychosis

Dopamine plays a major role in the formation of acute psychosis, as indicated by the dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia. The relationship between acute psychosis and the dopamine system provides insight into the effects of dopamine on brain

Orexin-A regulates dopamine D2 receptor in the mesolimbic circuit

AoS. Orexin-A regulates dopamine D2 receptor in the mesolimbic circuit

Orexin-A (orx-A) is a neuropeptide expressed exclusively in hypothalamic neurons. Orx-A acts through the activation of type-1 (Orx1R) and -2 (Orx2R) receptors present in the mesolimbic circuit and in other brain areas. These neuropeptides have been implicated

2-in-1: A new strategy against Parkinson´s Disease

AoS. 2-in-1: A new strategy against Parkinson´s Disease

Parkinson´s disease is a neurological disorder, which affects around 6 mio people worldwide, a number being expected to double within the next 20 years. It is characterized by a progressive loss of neuronal cells in the brain

Binge eating increases compulsivity through dopamine mechanisms in the oval bed nucleus of the stria terminalis

Binge eating increases compulsivity through dopamine mechanisms. AoS

Binge eating is a common feature of disordered eating and the defining characteristic of binge eating disorder (BED), the most prevalent of all eating disorders. Binge eating, with or without a psychiatric diagnosis, is a likely contributor

Parkinson disease: a tale of three neurotransmitters

The progressive loss of dopaminergic innervation of the basal ganglia, in particular of the dorsal striatum (putamen) is responsible for the motor signs of Parkinson disease such as bradykinesia, rigidity and loss of postural reflexes. Present therapies

More than just a reward molecule, dopamine helps us avoid harm

It is well known that the mesocorticolimbic dopamine system guides behavior as animals seek rewards from their environment. During the pursuit of reward, subsecond dopamine release events within this pathway represent information related to the rewarding outcome

Sugar consumption can be reduced by tonic activation of dopamine reward pathway

Rewarding ( pleasurable ) and aversive events give us dissimilar perceptions, which powerfully shape our decisions and therefore behavioral outcomes. In fact, chemical changes, which take place in our brain, are very different under these opposite circumstances.

Measuring motivation in Parkinson’s disease through the eyes response to money

Apathy or a lack of motivation is a disabling condition making patients feel that they “just can’t be bothered to do things”. Apathy is very common in Parkinson’s disease, affecting up to 70% of patients and causing

Promiscuous drugs exemplified by dopamine receptor ligands

Dopamine, often referred as “the happiness hormone”, is one of the most prominent messenger molecules in the human brain. It is a precursor of noradrenaline and adrenaline, which are neurotransmitters as well. Most people heard about dopamine

Introducing Thermal Wave Transport Analysis (TWTA): a thermal technique for dopamine detection

The glucose sensor is an excellent example of a point-of-care test: patients conduct measurements at home, it is fast, low-cost, and offers easy interpretation of results. There is a growing market to develop similar devices for testing

The mood stabilizer valproic acid tunes up abnormal circadian rhythms in mania

Circadian clocks rule our lives. In the course of evolution, almost all living creatures developed molecular mechanisms that optimally prepare our bodies for predictable , recurring events related to the regular alternations between day and night. This

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor is a miracle fertilizer for our brain?

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is sometimes called “miracle grow for the brain” because several studies have reported that BDNF “nourishes neurons like fertilizer.” It is well-known that BDNF protects brain cells and stimulates growth of their dendrites

Do the different actions required to gain a palatable food make a difference in the activation of the brain?

The motivated behaviour that underlies the food intake is a complex process mediated by various neural circuits. One of these is the mesolimbic system that employs the dopamine (DA) as neurotransmitter. In particular, in the responsiveness to

Males who take citicoline show increased motor speed and attention

Citicoline is marketed as a nutritional supplement in the United States and has been shown to influence cellular metabolism in the brain and to contribute to the synthesis of essential neurotransmitters including acetylcholine and dopamine. Citicoline is

Keys to unlocking human dopamine D1 receptor signal transduction

Our body organs, such as the brain, are made of different cells that talk to each other by releasing natural chemicals outside the cells. The free chemicals then attach to specialized proteins named receptors, which are anchored