Tag Archives: environment
Sustainable solutions: Tamarind Seed Kernel powder (TKP) adhesive as a green alternative for lignocellulosic composites
The majority of petroleum-based adhesives applied in the wood industry today, particularly formaldehyde-based adhesives. Their application trend is increasing due to their wide availability, superior bonding, durability, and resistance to heat and moisture. However, formaldehyde-based adhesives continuously
Cs adsorption by Mn‒Fe-based Prussian blue analogs formed in agarose gel
Mitochondrial dysfunction in autism spectrum disorder
Trace gas emissions from husbandry by combining satellite airborne and surface observations
Environmental commitment of small and medium enterprises
Rethinking how we pay for conserving global biodiversity
What else can a robot do? Reducing the use of hormone in the dairy industry!
Fracking is fracturing the total environment of the Earth
Limiting environment speeds up the opening of serotinous cones and decreases aerial cone banks
Active ingredients in personal care products detected throughout the environment
Designing physical activity environments to include nature enhances positive physical and psychological benefits
Physical inactivity has been identified as a pressing health issue across the globe because has been directly related to mental and physical ill health. Insufficient physical activity (PA) is now the fourth leading underlying cause of premature
Autonomy, reciprocity and respect: cultural values and their impact on indigenous children’s development
Child development is currently a topic of concern for scientists, teachers and governments. Ethnography, Cultural Psychology and Human Ecology have contributed to criticize the idea of universal pathways of human development, stressing the intimate relationships between children’s
Perfluorinated compounds in the atmosphere of Shenzhen, China
Climate change may add significantly to the impacts of pollution and habitat loss on fish populations
Salt marsh restoration reduces mercury methylation
Africa’s roads to ruin?
The behaviors of microplastics in the marine environment
Hormesis: umbrella mechanism only for agents present in the environment
Hormesis is a concept of biphasic dose-response to toxicological and pharmacological stimuli. According to this concept, a harmful factor at a small dose can exert a beneficial action. Among the known hormetic agents are numerous chemical substances