Tag Archives: exposure

Aflatoxin exposure: pending regulation for vulnerable people

AoS. Aflatoxin exposure: pending regulation for vulnerable people.

Mycotoxins are toxins produced by filamentous fungi in food, especially because of water stress in the field or inadequate humidity and temperature in storage. Mycotoxins produce a toxic effect on animals and humans, from acute effects to

Assessing extreme weather events, vulnerability, and the impacts on human wellbeing in Latin America

Human Development Index (HDI) vs Fatalities. AoS

The increased occurrence of extreme climatological, hydrological, and meteorological events (EWEs) and Climate-sensitive Disasters (CSDs) (e.g. floods and storms) in Latin American countries (LACs), and their primary impacts on human wellbeing should be considered carefully. This requires

Effect of exposure-age on chromosomal rearrangements in methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas exposed survivors

Exposure age and chromosome aberrations

Methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas disaster appeared one of the world’s worst industrial disasters by claiming a huge toll of human lives instantly and as its aftermath effect. Besides respiratory, ophthalmic and psychological disorders, stress leukogram, including anemia,

Estimating occupational exposures in large general populations made easier

In occupational epidemiology we are interested in associations between exposures that occur in the workplace and detrimental health effects. Ultimately with the goal of preventing harmful exposures to continue. Simply comparing exposed workers with non-exposed workers will