Tag Archives: fish
Do pufferfish selectively accumulate toxins?
Retroduplication of rhodopsin gene 400 million years ago diversified the photoreception in fishes
Good governance for migratory fish stocks
Non-invasive prenatal testing – safer or simply more profitable?
Behind the journey to spawn of European eels: expression and role of adrenergic receptors during silvering
Sole Pheromones: “What we have here is a failure to communicate”?
Pheromones are an important, but understudied, facet of reproduction in many animals. What we know about pheromones in fish mostly comes from freshwater species. However, many economically important species are marine. One such is the Senegalese sole
Fish migration: a simple mathematical description
North American tetras: Such abundant fishes, such a complex evolutionary history
How to characterize best the genetic content of small supernumerary marker chromosomes
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) diagnostics better to do in cultivated than native cells
Sub-Antarctic Fish – how do they do when things get warm?
Fish waste – a resource
The amount of farmed Atlantic salmon in Norway was 1.27 106 tons in 2014. This results in 0.34 106 tons of waste (residual raw material). In addition, even more waste is produced from pelagic catch, which is
Fish are exposed to hundreds of pharmaceuticals. How to identify drugs that pose the greatest aquatic risk?
Does eating oily fish improve gestational and neonatal outcomes?
Sailfish: the fastest fish in the world?
Omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and fish oil supplementation during pregnancy
The pregnancy is a time of increased risk for omega-3 deficiency as they are used for the baby’s brain and eye development both before and after birth. Data derived from observational studies have found that low intake