Tag Archives: fish

Do pufferfish selectively accumulate toxins?

Marine pufferfish of the genus Takifugu, including Takifugu pardalis, contain the potent neurotoxin tetrodotoxin (TTX). TTX is distributed not only in pufferfish, but also in various other organisms, many of which are toxified exogenously by the food

Retroduplication of rhodopsin gene 400 million years ago diversified the photoreception in fishes

AoS. Retroduplication of rhodopsin gene 400 million years ago diversified the photoreception in fishes.

Animals utilize light from the environment as important information sources. We can discriminate colors, brightness and shapes of objects by visual system. In addition, animals can detect daily and seasonal changes of the light environment to alter

Good governance for migratory fish stocks

As the oceans warm in response to continued greenhouse gas emissions, fish are moving to seek out their preferred environmental conditions. These shifts in distribution are changing the locations of the best fishing areas within the geographical

Non-invasive prenatal testing – safer or simply more profitable?

Map of Europe

Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) is growing more and more popularand is advertised worldwide by dozens of companies as a safer alternative to invasive testing. In most countries it is paid for privately by the patient. But its

Behind the journey to spawn of European eels: expression and role of adrenergic receptors during silvering

Adrenergic receptors

Eels make an astonishing journey to spawn, migrating from Europe to the Sargasso Sea, near Bermuda, and back again. After spawning, larvae are transported by the Gulf Stream to the continental shelf of Europe and North Africa,

Regeneration evolved in anamniotes in relation to metamorphosis: indications for attempts to induce limb regeneration in humans

The amazing capability of anamniotes, amphibians and fish, to regenerate limbs, tails, spinal cord, eyes, intestine, heart etc. contrasts with loss of organ regeneration in amniotes: reptiles, birds and mammals. Studies generally neglect to consider the life

Sole Pheromones: “What we have here is a failure to communicate”?

Pheromones are an important, but understudied, facet of reproduction in many animals. What we know about pheromones in fish mostly comes from freshwater species. However, many economically important species are marine. One such is the Senegalese sole

Fish migration: a simple mathematical description

Diadromous fishes migrate between rivers and seas, and are key drivers of surface water ecosystems and food webs. Analyzing migration of diadromous fishes is therefore a core for assessment of surface water systems from both biological and

North American tetras: Such abundant fishes, such a complex evolutionary history

Tetras of Central and North America are fishes that belong in genus Astyanax, family Characidae. They are among the most abundant and frequent freshwater fishes in tropical America. Although some authors consider all Astyanax in the region

How to characterize best the genetic content of small supernumerary marker chromosomes

An inborn genetic defect can be found prenatally or postnatally. The best known and most frequently observed reason for such developmental delay and/or mental retardation is Down-syndrome, also known as trisomy 21. I.e. besides the normally present

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) diagnostics better to do in cultivated than native cells

Cancer is an age associated disease. In Western countries with people having longer life expectancies than e.g. 100 years ago, this means at present that 1-2% of those individuals are confronted with the diagnosis of leukemia during

Sub-Antarctic Fish – how do they do when things get warm?

Scientists are concerned about the fate of marine species, in particular fish, under future climate warming. Because fish body temperature varies as a consequence of variation in the ambient environmental temperature (they are “poikilotherms”), scientists expect that

Fish waste – a resource

The amount of farmed Atlantic salmon in Norway was 1.27 106  tons in 2014. This results in 0.34 106 tons of waste (residual raw material). In addition, even more waste is produced from pelagic catch, which is

Fish are exposed to hundreds of pharmaceuticals. How to identify drugs that pose the greatest aquatic risk?

After consumption, human and veterinary drugs or their breakdown products end up in streams and rivers via wastewater effluent discharges into water bodies. Since this is a continuous process, aquatic animals are chronically (low concentration, long-term) being

Does eating oily fish improve gestational and neonatal outcomes?

Fish is a source of long-chain polyunsaturated n-3 fatty acids (LCPUFA), and its consumption is associated with prolonged length of gestation,  decreased pre-term birth rates, increased birth weight. However, fish may contain a number of pollutants which

Sailfish: the fastest fish in the world?

The fascination for speed runs deep in humans: we are in awe of fast cars and the 100-meter race is the most popular event at the Olympics. Similarly, we are intrigued by fast animals, like the cheetah

Omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and fish oil supplementation during pregnancy

The pregnancy is a time of increased risk for omega-3 deficiency as they are used for the baby’s brain and eye development both before and after birth. Data derived from observational studies have found that low intake

Metallothionein, oxidative stress and trace metals in gills of liver of fish species

Kuwait Bay is important area that is influenced by the local municipal and industrial discharges. Therefore, two types of local fish from were studies, yellow finned seabream which is pelagic fish swim between the surface and the