Tag Archives: fungi

Beneficial dust like a wall protecting a castle: the role of orchid seed coat in restricting the invasion of fungal hyphae

AoS. Beneficial dust like a wall protecting a castle

Plants are often thought of as producing their nutrients through photosynthesis, but many plants associate with other organisms (microorganisms) to exchange nutrients for survival. In particular, orchids, which have threatened many species with extinction due to habitat

Prison break – How fungi escape from a hostile environment inside immune cells

Prison break – How fungi escape from a hostile environment inside immune cells. AoS

Candida albicans is a commensal yeast of humans and colonizes ≈70% of the human population. It is common for C. albicans to cause self-limiting infections, but severe infections can be life-threatening. Invasive candidiasis occurs in patients with a

Aspen fungal endophyte communities are enriched after herbivory by leaf eating Chrysomelid beetles

Bipartite graph of the relationship between the SwAsp genets

Aspen trees grow abundantly and extensively across the forests of the northern hemisphere. They are early succession species that can quickly establish after fires or storms, and they also support a high biodiversity.  While the biodiversity associated

Phosphate dissolving fungi: a sustainable alternate for soil P nutrition

Phosphorus (P) is an indispensable element for plants due to its role in photosynthesis, respiration, energy storage and transfer and cell division. Its low availability in soil may limit the agricultural production in the next millennium. The

Nitrogen limitation of CO2 fertilization: relief from fungal partners

New research shows that the stimulatory effect of atmospheric CO2 on plants depends on soil nitrogen and on the microbes that can help plants get it. It’s common knowledge in horticulture that pumping extra carbon dioxide into

How fungi chew the fat: Fatty acid ester production in pathogenic filamentous fungi

Fungi are nature’s paradox. They are both good and bad for humans. They are good because they provide a treasure trove of medicines used to fight bacterial infections and lower cholesterol. They are also good because when

Fungal burden in waste industry: an occupational risk to be solved

Waste management is a source of airborne microorganisms and their associated compounds (bioaerosols) in the waste facilities’ air. Bioaerosol exposure can lead to several pathologies, hence additional monitoring should be performed to evaluate the effectiveness of implemented

The discovery of an ancient symbiosis challenges a decades old paradigm

The vast majority of land plants form intimate nutritional partnerships with filamentous fungi wherein fungal-acquired mineral nutrients from the soil are traded for plant-generated organic carbon.  These mutualistic associations, known as arbuscular mycorrhizas (“tree-like fungus-roots”), are widely

Osmoregulation in phytopathogenic fungi

Osmosis is a phenomenon in which water moves always from higher to lower chemical potential, commonly towards the area with higher solute concentration. Living cells are semi-closed systems with membranes permeable for water but not for many