Tag Archives: graphene

Layer-dependent fast electron transfer at the Zn-phthalocyanine-few-layer graphene interface: theory explains

AoS. Layer-Dependent Fast Electron Transfer at the Zn-phthalocyanine-few-layer graphene Interface

The photo-induced effective interfacial charge separation in Zn phthalocyanine/few-layer graphene heterojunctions has been a promising observation for fabrication of efficient energy-conversion devices. Few-layer graphene are two-dimensional (2D) systems composed of one-atom-thick honeycomb layers of sp2 -hybridized carbon

Ultra-wideband absorption based on wavelength-insensitive phase matching

AoS. Ultra-wideband absorption based on wavelength-insensitive phase matching

Due to high carrier mobility, the graphene has attracted enormous interests in developing high-speed photodetectors. In this study, for practical high-performance photodetectors, we focus on the remarkable enlargement of absorption bandwidth in the graphene perfect absorbers based

Imaging metal nanoparticle adsorption on graphene aerogels

AoS. Imaging metal nanoparticle adsorption on graphene aerogels.

The functionalization of porous carbon aerogels and sponge-like materials with metal nanoparticles (NPs) has shown significant promise for several applications, including energy storage and harvesting and environmental remediation. Methods for imaging the internal structure of these porous

Can nanographene cross placental barrier?

Graphene is an upcoming revolutionized 2D material that has sketched its importance across a wide spectra of interdisciplinary arenas due to its distinguishing properties. Being a sp2 hybridized allotrope of carbon with a honeycomb lattice structure; it

Unveiling toxicity concerns of PEGylated reduced graphene oxide

Graphene, a 2D carbon material tagged as the “strongest material” that forms a honeycombed lattice structure has found profound application in biomedical field owing to its exciting physico-chemical properties. It has raised global acceptance and enthusiasm in

Crowd surfing of graphene on a lipid monolayer

In the recent years a growing interest in graphene applications lead to the development of new biosensor devices. Graphene is a powerful sensor due to its extraordinary electron mobility, unique mechanical strength and optical properties.  Consequently, the

Immobilization of bilirubin oxidase on graphene oxide for oxygen reduction – when the charge matters

In recent years knowledge from nanotechnology, biotechnology and electrochemistry helped to develop extremely interesting devices – biofuel cells. In such devices, many different biomolecules have been employed for biologically catalyzed energy harvesting from energy rich organic molecules.

When graphene meets lectin for sensitive glycan analysis

The importance of glycans (chains of carbohydrates) in human body is relatively well known. They have a number of essential roles not only in physiology, but also in origin of various diseases. The majority of proteins and

Toxicity of graphene in lung alveolar epithelial cells

Graphene is a fascinating nanomaterial that has garnered significant scientific interest because of its unique properties such as superior thermal and electrical conductivity, high mechanical strength and unique optical properties. Due to this reason graphene has numerous

Downside of graphene – a miracle material

Any engineered nanomaterials should undergo thorough investigation on risk and health hazards imposed by them before available in the market for consumption. Graphene, a 2D carbon based material with hexagonal lattice structure along with its inherent physicochemical

Atomic wires of carbon: present status and perspectives

Carbon is all around us in different forms ranging from molecules to solids, minerals and nanostructures. Organic chemistry classifies alkanes, alkenes and alkynes hydrocarbons according to the different hybridization state of carbon atoms (sp3, sp2 and sp1,

Making the smallest possible fullerene molecules

It was in 1985 when the soccer ball appeared in chemistry. Spherical carbon cages were discovered, now known as the fullerenes and consisting of 60 carbon atoms in the shape of a soccer ball. Their discoverers have

Graphene: a nonlinear two-dimensional spring network

Graphene is one of the strongest materials in the world, which has an elastic modulus of 1.0 TPa and an intrinsic strength of 130 GPa (about 100 times of steel). Due to its nanoscale thickness, Graphene can

Enhanced absorption or transparency in hybrids of nanoparticles and graphene

The appealing side of nanotechnology lies in the fact that ordinary materials show surprising properties when their size is reduced to billionths of meters (nanometers). For example, we all know that silver is gray and gold is

Compact, all-optical, Terahertz wave generator

Terahertz (THz) wave is a kind of invisible light that has the frequency of about 1012 Hz. THz wave can path through different materials with small absorption or reflection, therefore this kind of wave can be used

Computational study of optical and electronic properties of metal-decorated Graphene

The computational methods for studying the various properties of nanomaterials like Graphene, have become extremely popular these days. Thanks to the ever increasing processor speeds. These methods include Density functional theory ( DFT ) and Time dependent density