Tag Archives: growth factor

Low phosphate after modern intravenous iron? Fibroblast growth factor 23 may be the key!

AoS. Low phosphate after modern intravenous iron

Iron is an essential substance with a number of roles in the body. Anaemia caused by low iron (iron deficiency anaemia) can worsen disease outcomes and reduce the quality of people’s lives. Iron deficiency anaemia can be

Developmental origins of aging trajectory

Traditionally, gerontological research is focused on later stages of life cycle. Accumulating evidence, however, suggests that the rate of aging-associated functional decline (senescence) as well as the risk for chronic pathological conditions can originate early in life.

Making mountains out of molehills: how stem cells become platelets

Heamatopoietic stem cells purified from cord blood or bone

You have 100,000 km of plumbing (blood vessels) in your body. What then keeps them from leaking? This essential work is carried out by tiny cells called platelets, which are able to form a plug to stop

Midkine controls natural bypass growth by regulating the bioavailability of VEGF

Cardiovascular occlusive diseases such as stroke, myocardial infarction or perivascular artery diseases (PAD) are a major personal and social burden. According to the World Health Organization, vascular occlusive diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide.  Current

Can a 6-monthly administered biologic prevent age-related blindness?

As increasing numbers of people survive in relatively good health to older ages, the importance of diseases impacting their quality of life rise in significance. One such disease is age-related macular degeneration, (AMD), which in the ‘wet

Dysfunction of cellular analgesic control in neuropathic pain

Neuropathic pain in small-fiber neuropathy was traditionally considered a consequence of injury to nociceptors and sensitization. An alternative view has also been put forward: there may be a loss of the neuronal analgesic control system, paralleling the

A replacement for chemotherapy?

Metastasis is a process where cancer cells of primary tumors gain properties enabling them to escape from the primary tumor and move to a secondary location in the body where they develop additional tumors. This event in

AntiVEGF therapy: hidden changes on heart and vessels

VEGF (Vascular endothelial growth factor) is a protein normally present in our organism that promotes the growth of new blood vessels, a process known as angiogenesis. Cancer cells produce this substance in large quantity, obtaining a continuous

A promising new drug treatment for Alzheimer’s disease

Diabetes is a risk factor for developing Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The underlying mechanism seems to be that insulin signaling in the brain of patients with AD is very much impaired. Insulin not only controls blood sugar levels,

Maternal diabetes negatively affects the development of embryonic heart

Diabetes in pregnancy may negatively affect the developing fetus, neonate, and child. Poorly controlled maternal hyperglycemia before conception and during the first trimester is associated with an increased rate of major birth defects and spontaneous abortion. Cardiovascular