Tag Archives: healthcare
4 Unsolved Challenges for Healthcare’s Digital Transformation by the end of 2021
5 Ways Biotech Is Ushering in a New Mode of Healthcare in 2021
Cultural competency/safety in healthcare
Strong primary healthcare may reduce mortality
2nd Annual Conference on Pediatric Nursing and Healthcare. Dubai, UAE. June 17-18, 2019
The 4th Annual Healthcare PPM Toolbox. New Jersey, USA. February 7 – 8, 2019
Disparities resulting from variations in regional donor supply and liver transplant tourism
In the United States, the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) develops national policies that determine how donated organs are collected, matched, and distributed with candidates on the transplantation waitlist. Currently, the nation is divided into 11
What does it take to change your behaviour?
‘Uberizing’ home care in Ontario
International study of parents’ experiences when their baby was diagnosed with a limb difference
Diversity in the health professions
Our country is becoming more diverse. It is predicted that 24 years from now, we will not have a majority group. When combined, African Americans, Hispanics, Asian Americans and Native Americans will be the majority group. Since
UNC Medical Center reduces time patients wait for their chemotherapy
Employing more nurse practitioners can lower health care costs
We all want to have access to health care when we are not feeling well and we want to do so without breaking our budget. However there is growing concern about the availability of care and the
Spousal assaulters in outpatient mental health care
Domestic violence is defined as: ‘a physical, mental or sexual violation of the personal integrity of the victim by a person from the victim’s family circle. This includes (ex)-partners, family members and family friends of the victim’
Considering patient values and preferences in healthcare decision-making
A wearable UV-LED medical device for automatic disinfection of stethoscope membrane
Artificial agents, good care, and modernity
Technology has always been used in health care. But what about robots and other automation technology? What about artificial agents: technological entities that act in a health care environment? Should they be allowed to take over care
The challenge of creating specialist surgical centres in Australia
The past decade has seen an increasing number of publications linking improved surgical outcomes with increased surgical volume. But most of our hospitals are not set up as specialised centres concentrating on a small number of highly
Can a just society ration healthcare?
The gross domestic product (GDP) of a country represents the dollar value of all goods and services produced by that country over a period of time, usually a year. One can think of the GDP as the