Tag Archives: hypothalamus

How sugar and fat affect our brain leading to a high blood pressure?

Obesity is a serious, chronic and pandemic disease that can have a negative effect on many systems in our body. People who are overweight or obese have a much greater risk of developing serious diseases including hypertension.

Why narcoleptic mice exhibit faster recovery from sickness behavior?

Hypocretin/ataxin-3 mice (which are postnatally depleted of hypothalamic hypocretin neurons) were administered LPS. As a result, hypocretin/ataxin-3 mice were increased in sleep compared with wild-type littermates and showed faster recovery from sickness behaviour. We examined changes in

Characterization of the cell surface receptor GPR101: a molecular biology detective work

What did we know about GPR101 until a couple of years ago? Very little. The human gene was discovered in 2001, found to be located on chromosome X, and predicted to encode a seven-transmembrane receptor. In the

Serotonin and sleep regulation: cellular and molecular mechanisms

Serotonin ( 5-HT ) is a neurotransmitter, which plays major roles in several physiological functions including circadian rhythmicity, appetite, thermoregulation, nociception, emotion and cognition. The relationship between 5-HT and sleep was demonstrated by several experiments, including in particular an

The unappreciated role of the median eminence in energy balance regulation

Obesity results from a sustained imbalance between calorie intake and energy expenditure. It is associated with an increased risk of developing a variety of medical conditions that are widespread in Western countries, such as type 2 diabetes

Sugar induces sleep by activating the neurons responsible for sleep onset

Contrary to what one might think, sugar promotes sleepiness and not hyperactivity. There may be a good reason to sleep after a high-sugar meal. That is the conclusion of a new study published by neuroscientists at ESPCI