Tag Archives: infant

Inside out: treating infants with gastroschisis

For many parents the first images of their baby on the ultrasound is a joyful time. How many fingers? How many toes? Is it a boy or a girl? For some families however, they are told that

Milk of breast is best: protection against RSV and subsequent wheeze with breastmilk

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a significant pathogen infecting infants and young children; approximately 70% of infants are infected with RSV before their first birthday and almost all children have been infected at least once by two

I knew I loved you before I met you: Unlocking the potential of prenatal attachment

When do you think the bond between a mother and her child begins? As you ponder this question, you may be thinking it’s when a baby is first born, as a mother cradles her newborn in her