Tag Archives: injury
Cerebral venous hemodynamic in a rat model of acute epidural hematoma
Can RNA therapeutics help spinal cord injury treatments?
Role of ultrasonography in the evaluation of traumatic injury to peripheral nerves
Novel targets for neuroprotection in neonatal brain injury
Analysis of school traumatic brain injury policy content
Millions of children and teens are affected by sports- and recreation-related traumatic brain injuries (TBI) annually. To help reduce the effects of TBIs in youth sports, between 2009 and 2014, all 50 states and the District of
Post trauma: to filter or not to filter
New findings with therapeutic benefit in organ transplantation
Confabulation: What is associated with its rise and fall? A study in brain injury
Why and how should we screen injured workers?
Experience impacts elbow pitching mechanics more than age
Strollers and carriers cause average of two injuries every hour in the U.S.
The Center for Injury Research and Policy of the Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital published research about children getting injured from strollers and carriers in Academic Pediatrics in August 2016. Parents use these products every day
The power of laser light to repair brain from stroke injury
Strength loss does not worsen in the first few days after an acute skeletal muscle injury
New way to detect kidney injury using keratins
Do pitching mechanics in 13-16 year old pitchers change as they become fatigued
A “TORgeted” way to heal the gut
Promoting positive results; Ignoring the negative ones: The story of spinal cord injury treatment press coverage
This is a story about the power of journalism. About how deliberate reporting changes medical opinions of experts and has a long lasting effect on the treatment of injured patients. Spinal cord injured patients are usually young