Tag Archives: injury

Cerebral venous hemodynamic in a rat model of acute epidural hematoma

AoS. Cerebral venous hemodynamic in a rat model of acute epidural hematoma

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is currently one of the most serious public-health problems, with an annual global incidence rate of 319/100,000. TBI includes primary injuries directly caused by mechanical stress and shear forces, as well as secondary

Can RNA therapeutics help spinal cord injury treatments?

In the central nervous system (CNS) nerve regeneration is severely hampered making recovery from lesions such as spinal cord injury (SCI) extremely difficult and one of the most formidable challenges for regenerative medicine. So far, there are

Role of ultrasonography in the evaluation of traumatic injury to peripheral nerves

Traumatic injury of peripheral nerve accounts for about 3-5% of limb trauma, but if not diagnosed it can be associated with negative outcomes, especially in major trauma, with economic and social damage when working-age subjects are involved.

Novel targets for neuroprotection in neonatal brain injury

Developing brain is highly susceptible to injury. Together, prematurity and hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) account for 50% of global mortality and significant neurodevelopmental impairment in survivors. HIE is a clinically defined syndrome of disturbed neurologic function due

Analysis of school traumatic brain injury policy content

Millions of children and teens are affected by sports- and recreation-related traumatic brain injuries (TBI) annually. To help reduce the effects of TBIs in youth sports, between 2009 and 2014, all 50 states and the District of

Post trauma: to filter or not to filter

Pulmonary embolism (PE) remains a significant cause of death in trauma patients. However, this patient population is also at risk of ongoing bleeding, making anticoagulation (Heparin, Coumadin, etc.) impractical. This puts trauma surgeons and vascular surgeons alike

New findings with therapeutic benefit in organ transplantation

Knowledge of the molecular mechanisms of cell death and understanding their fundamental role in a wide range of human diseases including myocardial infarction, stroke, sepsis, neurodegeneration, cancer, and organ graft ischemia-reperfusion injury, among others, is of major

Confabulation: What is associated with its rise and fall? A study in brain injury

Confabulation is a relatively rare but debilitating memory disorder. It affects mainly (but not exclusively) brain injury survivors. Patients with confabulations have false memories, for example believing something happened to them which never in fact took place,

Why and how should we screen injured workers?

Every year, tens of millions of workers suffer accidental injuries leading to general practitioner treatments or hospitalizations. Thus, accidents are frequent and many of the survivors are left with temporary or permanent disabilities. Most accident insurers report

Experience impacts elbow pitching mechanics more than age

As youth participation in organized baseball has grown in the United States, so has the occurrence of elbow pain and injuries. This increase is likely related to the development of the physes and increased throwing frequency and

Strollers and carriers cause average of two injuries every hour in the U.S.

The Center for Injury Research and Policy of the Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital published research about children getting injured from strollers and carriers in Academic Pediatrics in August 2016. Parents use these products every day

The power of laser light to repair brain from stroke injury

Transcranial near-infrared laser therapy (TLT) also known as NILT is a powerful non-invasive method to promote neuroprotection and repair of the damaged brain. How does it work? For many years, researchers have hypothesized that laser light at

Strength loss does not worsen in the first few days after an acute skeletal muscle injury

An immediate loss of strength accompanies nearly all types of skeletal muscle injury but there is debate whether the strength loss worsens over the first few days after injury. This is important to know because it influences

New way to detect kidney injury using keratins

As humans and animals have a skeleton supporting their structure, each cell has a similar microscopic skeleton termed cytoskeleton. Cytoskeleton also helps to maintain the shape and the internal organization of cells and is also involved in

Do pitching mechanics in 13-16 year old pitchers change as they become fatigued

Over the past decade there has been a dramatic rise in the number of shoulder and elbow injures to adolescent baseball pitchers. Fatigue has been shown to be a significant cause of injuries in adolescent baseball pitchers.

A “TORgeted” way to heal the gut

Our intestine is critical for absorbing the dietary nutrients that we need to survive. It performs this function by producing, from pools of intestinal stem cells (ISCs), a constant stream of new cells (differentiated cells) that have

Promoting positive results; Ignoring the negative ones: The story of spinal cord injury treatment press coverage

This is a story about the power of journalism. About how deliberate reporting changes medical opinions of experts and has a long lasting effect on the treatment of injured patients. Spinal cord injured patients are usually young

Recovery after brachial plexus surgery continues for longer than previously thought

Brachial plexus injuries (BPIs) are severely debilitating injuries in which the nerves exiting the spinal cord at the level of the cervical and upper thoracic spine are damaged. Because these nerves power the musculature of the upper

Does acute kidney injury affect other organs?

Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) is a common and serious condition with no specific treatment. AKI has been estimated to cost the NHS in the UK alone between £451-626 million per year. Recovery from a single episode of

The “other” concussion: spinal cord concussion

It was a breezy Sunday afternoon at a football game and the crowd falls silent as they watch the star running back lie motionless after a tackle. The medical team rushed over; the player is conscious and