Tag Archives: iron

Low phosphate after modern intravenous iron? Fibroblast growth factor 23 may be the key!

AoS. Low phosphate after modern intravenous iron

Iron is an essential substance with a number of roles in the body. Anaemia caused by low iron (iron deficiency anaemia) can worsen disease outcomes and reduce the quality of people’s lives. Iron deficiency anaemia can be

Synergies between ultrasound and aminated nanoparticles in the synthesis of DHP pharmaceuticals

Today, attentions to the synergistic effects have raised due to bringing convenience and expedition into the complex processes. In the field of catalysis, synergistic effects between the ultrasound waves (USWs) and the nanosized heterogeneous species is one

Iron: it is all in the core

Iron is transported in the body using transferrin. AoS

Iron, the most abundant element on the Earth’s core, is an essential substance necessary for a number of reactions in the body which lead to the production of necessary  energy allowing optimal function. Iron deficiency (ID) and

Are iron oxide nanoparticles neurotoxic?

Are iron oxide nanoparticles neurotoxic? AoS

Among the different types of nanomaterials, iron oxide nanoparticles (ION) awaken a particular interest due to their unique properties, including superparamagnetism and high biocompatibility. These features make them very suitable for a broad variety of uses, mostly

Getting metals into mitochondria

Metallurgy and the mitochondrion.

Scientists consider mitochondria, an organelle within cells, as a power plant. But mitochondria are also a site for metallurgy. There iron enters heme, the compound that binds oxygen in hemoglobin and certain other proteins, or helps form

Why iron and copper may be harmful to the aging brain

Similar to other organs, brain function declines with age. Furthermore, age is the single greatest risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease as well as other neurodegenerative diseases. Both iron and copper increase in the brain with aging and

Hot or Not – The Heat Shock Factor1 (HSF1) is essential for Candida albicans cellular functioning

The opportunistic human pathogen, Candida albicans hinges on the heat shock factor-1 (HSF1), a client protein of the well-established heat shock chaperone (protein folding helper), HSP90 for proficiently modulating thermal stress response. In addition to its implications

Metallic iron for environmental remediation: A textbook message

The german word for science is “Wissenschaft” and can be word-wisely translated as „knowledge creation“. Knowledge is created by observing and understanding the nature. Once a natural process is understood, the conditions for its reproduction can be

Combining a range of different imaging techniques to better understand the roles metals play in biology

Microscopes in various forms have helped identify disease-causing bacteria, miniaturize microprocessors and engineer superior metal alloys. However, in biology some things remain very difficult to see even at the highest levels of magnification. Metal ions (e.g. calcium,

Iron can help improving symptoms of Restless Legs Syndrome

Despite many treatment options for Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) the therapy is still not satisfactory. Even treated patients suffer from insomnia and pain. The decreasing effectiveness of treatment over the years associated with a deterioration of RLS-symptoms

Processes mediating contaminant removal in Fe0/H2O systems: Coping with a highly dynamic system

The use of adsorption processes for water treatment purposes is a very old stuff. According to Egyptian and Sanskrit inscriptions, water was treated using filtration as early as 200 B.C. Its working principle is quite simple: its

A versatile oxygenase family

Enzymes catalyze important biological processes throughout all kingdoms of life. One large and highly versatile enzyme family possesses a three-dimensional structure containing a double-stranded beta-helix (or jellyroll) protein fold that typically has a 2-histidine-1-carboxylate amino acid motif

Metallic iron for environmental remediation: ending a myth

Iron corrosion is widely known as a destructive process. However, several useful applications of this process are known. Three examples are: consumption of humidity in food packaging, H2S removal from biogas and water treatment. Water treatment by

Dragon fruit-like multifunctional probe for cancer precision theranostics

Along with the rapid rhythm of human lives, more and more fatal diseases have been surprisingly invading public health. Health is the greatest wealth, health is not equal to everything, but lose health will lose everything. Aside

Fighting (for iron) to survive: therapeutic avenues for aspergillus fumigatus infections

Aspergillus fumigatus (Af), a common fungus, frequently infects the lungs of patients with compromised immune systems. Despite progress in developing anti-fungal agents, Af infections still cause a significant number of deaths, making new treatment options necessary to

Deposition of aluminum and iron in benign bone tumors (exostosis)

An exostosis is an outgrowth of new bone from the surface of a bone into the muscles; it is a frequent benign tumor in children. An exostosis causes discomfort and chronic pain, depending on its size and