Tag Archives: kidney
Macrophage-myofibroblast transition: a novel target for stopping kidney disease
Building an artificial kidney from human stem cells
Be careful of podocyte B7-1
The power of urine to understand genetic variants in the kidney
Evolution of the art and science of kidney transplantation in HIV positive patients
Kidney function decline in polycystic kidney disease – it’s not always off the cliff
Uremia. A history of urine in the blood
The term uremia was first introduced in 1847; literally translated, it means “urine in the blood.” Today, uremia describes the myriad of symptoms and organ derangements that result from the failure of the kidneys in its normal
Overcome obstacles in the treatment of scarred kidneys
Anti-CD20 treatment shows changes not only in B-lymphocytes but also in T-subpopulations
Urea is truly toxic: the empire strikes back
A stone during pregnancy – more painful than childbirth
The capillary web gets lost in diseased kidneys
Effect of tenapanor on sodium absorption and interdialytic weight gain in patients with advanced kidney disease
Product of red grapes protects kidney from anticancer toxicity by increasing its extruding protein
PDGF-D – a potential novel treatment for kidney diseases with scaring
New way to detect kidney injury using keratins
Recent trends in treating kidney stones
Can antioxidants benefit the diabetic kidney?
Long-term outcomes of robotic pyeloplasty for ureteropelvic junction obstruction
Nonadherence to immunosuppressive therapy in kidney transplant recipients
End-stage kidney disease (ESKD) is an increasing worldwide illness that compels patients to accept either dialysis or kidney transplantation that is the best choice because ensures high quality of life. But, living or cadaveric kidney donation is