Tag Archives: knee replacement

The anterolateral ligament of the knee – an anatomical phantom

AoS. The anterolateral ligament of the knee – an anatomical phantom

In 1879, Paul Segond published an article on clinically present and experimentally created bloody effusions in sprained knee joints. As an associated aggravation, he reported the formation of comminuted fractures of the lateral tibial condyle caused by

The reliability and validity of the Figure of 8 Walk test in older people with knee replacement

The Figure of 8 Walk (F8W) test looks at walking in straight and curved paths in both clockwise and anti-clockwise directions (Fig. 1). The time taken to carry out the test is recorded along with the number

How do people’s expectations compare to the reality of their recovery after a knee replacement surgery?

Average recovery timeline

The decision to undergo a knee replacement is not one taken lightly by the patient or medical team. For many people with arthritis, medication and exercise therapies can help their symptoms, but when problems persist, a knee