Tag Archives: lipids

Other components of less common oilseeds are much more beneficial for health than their unsaturated fats

AoS. Other components of less common oilseeds

Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) are thought to be some of the most important nutrients and health promoting constituents, the presence of which is usually insufficient in a daily diet, which in turn is often connected with their

Lipids keeps shrinking with aging and neurodegeneration

AoS. Lipids keeps shrinking with aging and neurodegeneration.

I remember when my Biology teacher at the secondary school introduced us for the first time to the biochemical components of the living cells. I was immediately fascinated by the elegant code making of the nucleic acids,

Endothelial stiffening: a new parameter of endothelial damage in athero-susceptible regions of aorta

Atherosclerotic plaques that clog major arteries and lead to heart attacks and strokes are known to develop in sites exposed to non-unidirectional disturbed flow, such as bends and branches, whereas arterial segments that are straight and exposed

Crowd surfing of graphene on a lipid monolayer

In the recent years a growing interest in graphene applications lead to the development of new biosensor devices. Graphene is a powerful sensor due to its extraordinary electron mobility, unique mechanical strength and optical properties.  Consequently, the

Arabidopsis ACYL-COA-BINDING PROTEIN6: a lipid-binding protein in the phloem

Plants utilize long-distance transport systems via their vascular tissues. The xylem is used for water and mineral transport, while the phloem translocates various macromolecules. Although lipids have been detected in the phloem sap, their movement is not

In search of new natural antioxidants for treatment of Parkinson neurodegenerative disease

A lot of studies have demonstrated that oxidative stress plays a central role in the pathophysiology of Parkinson’s disease. Antioxidant therapy has been proposed for prevention and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases for reducing oxidative damage caused by

NMR can now scrutinize the membrane of a living cell

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) is a technique devised by physicists, that has developed into many applications. The most famous one is Magnetic Resonance Imaging that is commonly used in hospitals. In the research lab, NMR is generally

Biodiesel synthesis in response to individual short chain fatty acids during mixotrophic mode of microalgal cultivation

Growing concern over fuel crisis and global climate change has led to substantial investment and research into alternative fuel sources. In this prospect, photosynthetic organisms have huge potential for biofuels production in a carbon neutral way with

Living on the edge: Planctomycetes at the oxic / anoxic interface in northern wetlands

Peat – accumulating northern wetlands make up approximately one-third of the global soil organic carbon pool. Nutrient – poor and acidic conditions, as well as low temperatures and decay – resistant Sphagnum moss-dominated vegetation, result in low