Tag Archives: mathematics

Left-handers are not at risk for mathematical learning difficulties

AoS. Left-handers are not at risk for mathematical learning difficulties.

Nearly one in every ten people is left-handed, a number that seems to have remained the same through time and place. Interestingly, individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders, such as low functioning autism or intellectual disability, are more likely

Associations between mathematics development and visuo-spatial perception in children with cerebral palsy

Computerized rotation task. AoS

Previous research has suggested that children with cerebral palsy (CP) have difficulties with visuo-spatial perception. We wanted to find out if there was an association or relationship between the children’s visuo-spatial abilities and the development of their

Detecting math ability with brain potentials

Detecting math ability with brain potentials

It is known that the various individuals differ in their ability to perform arithmetic calculations. Some people can find mathematics an extremely easy exercise while for others it can become an insurmountable problem. For example, a significant