Tag Archives: medicine
How AI Is Revolutionizing Drug Discovery
The Genetic Medicine Revolution — Eyes on the Future
Cultural competency/safety in healthcare
Medical articles in medical and in non-medical journals in Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1878 to 1945
29th World Neonatal, Pediatric and Family Medicine Conference. Dubai, UAE. March 19-20, 2020
Taking medicines the right way: what do people with Parkinson’s do?
Decrypting the secret of Swarna Bhasma, an ancient Ayurvedic/Sidha medicine. Swarna Bhasma, ancient Ayurvedic medicine, meets human cells
World Congress on Advances in Addiction Science and Medicine. London, UK. September 24-25, 2018
Annual Congress on Cell Science, Stem Cell Research & Regenerative Medicine. Atlanta, USA. November 29-30, 2017
A pill a day to prevent HIV? Successes and challenges of pre-exposure prophylaxis in the real world
A benevolent anionic ZnII-MOF to purify water and make medicines
Enrichment design accommodating the biomarker misclassification
A better deal for the elderly at the end of life
The normal process of dying has been hijacked by medicine. It is not a cruel deception and it is not what the elderly want; not what treating doctors want and not what society can afford. So how