Tag Archives: melatonin
Melatonin play wonders in Zinc oxide nanoparticle induced toxicity
Melatonin protects the powerhouses of cells, the mitochondria
Mitochondria have been named the ‘powerhouses of cells’, because they are the main source of ATP, a carrier molecule of chemical energy for versatile use in numerous metabolic reactions. ATP is generated by the electron transport chain
Melatonin’s role preventing steatohepatitis and improving liver transplantation results
Chemical priming: a way to increase plant protection against stress conditions in the field?
Melatonin reduces blood pressure and tunes up disrupted circadian rhythms in the seniors
Melatonin and serotonin in psychiatric and brain disorders
Melatonin is well known as a treatment for jet lag, being naturally released by the brain when we close our eyes to go to sleep. However, recent research shows that melatonin is released by many, if not