Tag Archives: memory

Is retrieval from memory ‘automatic’?

Is retrieval from memory. AoS

Memory for studied material is impaired if attention is divided between learning the material and performance of a concurrent secondary task. We expected to find a similar trade-off when attention was divided during memory retrieval, but surprisingly

Can glucose or fructose consumption impair memory?

Can glucose or fructose consumption impair memory

The intake of simple sugars in the human diet has risen in the last decades, especially due to the elevated consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages. This increase in simple sugar consumption has been associated with metabolic pathologies, such

Ingredient in hops to treat learning and memory impairments and metabolic changes associated with a high-fat diet

the Memory Island program

Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. MetS is associated with enhanced risk to develop age-related cognitive impairments and and dementia. Diets high in saturated fat induce inflammation that contributes

Confabulation: What is associated with its rise and fall? A study in brain injury

Confabulation is a relatively rare but debilitating memory disorder. It affects mainly (but not exclusively) brain injury survivors. Patients with confabulations have false memories, for example believing something happened to them which never in fact took place,

Old drugs learn new tricks: drug repurposing saves the world!

New way of drug discovery, “drug repurposing” has come into the spotlight. Drug repurposing—also known as drug reprofiling or drug repositioning—is essentially using “old” drugs to treat “new” diseases. With increases in knowledge about the molecular mechanisms

Memory process in patients with ischemic left ventricular dysfunction

Heart failure is a complex syndrome characterized by hemodynamic and neuro-hormonal alterations. In recent literature a relationship between heart failure and the presence of cognitive disorders, in particular in the domain of the attentional-executive functions, was reported

How Americans remember and forget the U.S presidents

Groups of people remember and forget events that occurred in the past, just as individual people remember and forget events occurring in their lifetimes. The study of the memories of a group is called collective memory, and

The constant cost of short-term memory loss

When we try to make sense of what someone says to us we maintain a record of this information in memory.  Many psychologists think that humans evolved a ‘verbal short-term memory’ system for this purpose, and we

Why can MDMA produce memory deficits?

MDMA is a synthetic drug belonging to the amphetamine family and has both stimulant and hallucinogenic properties. These features have become MDMA in one of the most used drugs by young adolescents. Many studies have described that

The new subregion in parahippocampal region founded integrated the two memory-related brain networks

The parahippocampal region (PHR) is an interface region between the hippocampus and the neocortex located in the medial temporal lobe (MTL). The PHR has been implicated in many functions, including long-term memory, working memory, and perception. Given

The memories of individual ants can make the whole colony less flexible

Social insect colonies are famous for swarm intelligence and collective decision making – being able to come to a unified decision in groups of thousands. An ant colony, for example, can decide which of several food sources

Research from animal learning studies may help the elderly to follow medical recommendations

Adherence to treatment is how clinicians refer to the degree to which patients follow medical recommendations, and it is fundamental to improving health and quality of life. Lack of adherence to treatment may have dramatic consequences not

Computerized assessment of neuropsychological performance in schizophrenia

In clinical studies, intellectual performance is most often measured with standardized neuropsychological paper-and-pencil tasks. Such tasks can measure an individual’s performance in different domains of intellectual performance such as speed of processing, attention/vigilance, working memory, verbal learning,

Does humour undervalue the importance of safety information contained in pre-flight safety briefings?

Most readers would agree they experience variations in mood from time to time. In some circumstances, the trigger or origins of this change in mood is difficult to determine. What research has revealed, is that mood is

Alzheimer’s disease or type 2 diabetes?

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is one of the most common causes of senile dementia and it is estimated that by 2050, the number of cases will rise to 110 million. The vast majority of patients suffer from the

Perceptual Inference

The common saying goes: seeing is believing. We are accustomed to think that everything in our visual scene is instantly perceived by the brain and recorded like a photograph on paper. In the 19th century a German

Flashbacks – the signature of trauma

Although it is well-known that traumatic events like sexual assaults or terrorist bombings can cause posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), sufferers from this disorder often complain that no one really understands what they are going through. This is

Effect of exercise duration and exercise withdrawal on memory consolidation trend

The beneficial effects of exercise on the physiologic systems, brain, and mental health are well-established. Also, the maintenance of a healthy central nervous system throughout life serves as an imperative public health goal. Evidently, exercise can help