Tag Archives: microscope

Protein structure detection in intermediate-resolution cryo-EM maps using deep learning

AoS. Protein structure detection in intermediate-resolution cryo-EM maps using deep learning

Cryo-EM has established its position in structural biology as an indispensable method of choice for determining macromolecular structures due to recent technological breakthroughs. The recent years have observed a steep increase of biomolecular structures solved by cryo-EM,

Plateau-like versus sawtooth-like force-extension response of macromolecules

In recent years, the folding and unfolding of single macromolecules has been largely investigated through atomic – force microscopes (AFM), laser optical tweezers (LOT) and magnetic tweezers (MT), which are able to apply external forces directly to

Mixing Insulin with phospholipids at the air/water interface

The Insulin monomer is unstable and tends to macroscopically aggregate in aqueous solutions during storage. This is a consequence of solid fibers formed by aggregation of monomers and dimers under low pH conditions; and causes loss of

Schistosomiasis infection: is it really diagnosed?

Schistosomiasis, also known as Bilharziazis, has been and remains one of the most common parasitic diseases worldwide. It affects millions of people in the developing world, mainly in Africa. In 1999, the WHO estimated schistosmiasis as the

Detecting anthrax in the palm of your hand: applications of a smartphone microscope

Bacillus anthracis is a bacterial pathogen that causes the disease anthrax. In 2001, B. anthracis was used in a bioterrorism attack in the United States that resulted in 22 individuals becoming infected, 5 of whom died as